i have a pretty strong piss kink. only online people know about it.. it’s been a good outlet talking to strangers online about it for a while but it’s getting to the point where i need to act on it but it’s too embarrassing to try bringing up in person with my partner or anyone else i know. what can i do about this? where can i go to meet other people with this kink? i don’t want it to build to something unhealthy or extreme.

  1. Have you tried FetLife?
    I understand the desire to experience your kink. I have a similar sitch.
    Honestly though, there’s not much information about your situation in the post, outside of your desire and embarrassment.
    Hopefully you can bring it up passively with your partner by asking him/her what their kinks/sexual interests are. Idk.
    I’m sure they’ll be others to offer more as your post has only been up for 12 minutes. 🤣

  2. I was certainly in your boat before. Too afraid of rejection and shame about my piss kink. You can start slow with your partner. Ask in a playful way if you can watch them pee.
    When I was first dating my boyfriend, I straight up drunkenly asked him if he wanted to piss on me and he was thrilled. People are more open to it than you may think

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