What does a good mental health day look like for you?

  1. I feel light and happy, and have more energy than usual. I probably pick up hobbies I haven’t done in a while and often end up cleaning my flat. Maybe reach out to friends if I haven’t talked to them in a while. Basically I do anything that I haven’t had the energy to do.

  2. Waking up without saying “here we go again” and not spending the rest of the day self criticising instead of actually doing the work.

  3. I had a good night’s sleep, I don’t have an anxiety attack over my face or weight, I’m able to eat a tasty meal without putting fingers down my throat, and I get to spend my time enjoying my favourite hobbies.

  4. Depends. Sometimes I need some peace and quiet and i’ll just go to the park with a book or watch some dumb movies. Sometimes I need to go for a really long walk. Sometimes I need to be in the club until 7am.

  5. Not crying for starters , and of course being able to enjoy my day by doing things that I like to do and have the mental energy for.

  6. Once a month I do an in home spa day. Face mask, massage machine, yoga, bubble bath the works. Highly endorse.

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