Women of Reddit, how do you cut your sandwiches? And why do you not if you don’t?

  1. Depends on the kind of bread I’m using and what’s in the sandwich. I do whatever I think will be most convenient for eating it based on the bread and other ingredients.

  2. Depends on the sandwich. I cut grilled cheese into cubes and put them in tomato soup. I leave BLTs whole. I usually cut other sandwiches in half to have 2 rectangles.

  3. Into triangles if it’s square bread, ‘rectangles’ if it’s high top or otherwise not square bread. Because this is the Correct and Proper Way.

  4. Rectangles for my husband and triangles for me cause that’s how we like them.

    (Sometimes he’s the sandwich maker and he does the same)

  5. I’m a fucking animal and I try to dirty the fewest possible number of dishes so I never cut my sandwiches, sometimes if it’s on a bun I even rip the bun open with my hands.

  6. Weirdly for myself rectangles but for the SO its triangles.
    Rectangles because when I bite then I do it systematically and I have to eat every bite with an equal proportion of crust to bread. I always ate them that way and I don’t know why

  7. I don’t cut them, because I rarely get those weird white fluffy bread loaves. The types of bread I eat don’t really come in cuttable shapes, so there’s no point for that.

  8. I can only eat my sandwiches if they’re cut honestly. If it’s a square sandwich then I prefer it cut diagonally. A foot long from Subway or something has to be cut into 4ths. Any other sandwich can be cut in half.

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