What do you think you deserve as a salary?

  1. For dealing with my coworkers alone i should be getting 150k plus a suffrage salary of 50k, and my base salary. And more benefits like 2 months vacation and employer pays for healthcare

  2. Probably double what I am making after 30 years… but I stayed for the health benefits for my family.

  3. Well as a Licensed Master Social Worker who went to school for 6 years and has 1 year of experience outside of school I should be making at least 65,000 in NYS. I make about half that after taxes 🙃

  4. At least 75K as a public school teacher, with 70K being starting salary.

    But as I’ve said to others, my salary as a teacher should be the amount of money for a single parent to live comfortably within a 20 mile radius from their school. Teachers in the US shouldn’t have to rely on spouses who earn more money or have to work another job in order to be financially comfortable.

  5. More than what I get currently. I think is going to be everyone’s answer. There’s always going to be problems with every job.

  6. I make enough to live on but if I worked in another specialization of my field, I could easily make $20-30,000 more. My work is my passion though.

    I will say that what I get paid vs what I earn for the company is bullshit.

  7. What I make now. When I renegotiated my contract I added what my rate would be (which tbh, was much higher but I wanted more room to negotiate and get my top tier rate) and they didn’t even counter with a lower offer which makes me sort of regret not asking for more! Lol.

  8. Enough for me to live comfortably within a fair driving range of my job and put a little into savings without freaking out about a small emergency.

  9. Looking across the industry, my salary is a little low. But my company is also paying every dollar for my masters degree. So after I have my degree, if my salary doesn’t rise to meet increasing responsibilities and inflation, I have no doubt I can find another company willing to pay a higher salary.

  10. I don’t make a lot, but I’ve done very well with what I have and I’m able to live the lifestyle of a much wealthier person.

    I work for myself and I’m very happy with my lifestyle

  11. I make half (or less) of what my coworkers make, because I’m on the admin side. But I work just as hard as they do, and I have a similar education level, and I bring a lot of unique value to my company that my coworkers rely on when they need it. (Everyone at my office can use the software to create data sets and files, but I’m the only one who can interact with callers who don’t speak English or notarize legal documents or get your report prepped professionally for that important client.) I don’t currently make enough to live on; I work a second job nights and also depend on the child support I get from my kids’ dad. It would be great to be able to put my skills to use full time at this job I love but also be able to pay all my bills with it.

  12. I’m a children’s mental health case manager and we deserve more. I’m at the higher end of the salary range for BA only at $25/hr but I do think we should be making what our therapists make (75-85k) and have our therapists make at least 100k.

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