It’s my first Christmas living on my own rather than in a house share and I want to decorate to make it feel festive. I’ve got a tree and some tinsel and a coupld of other things but I was wondering how far to take it without just spending a ton of money in one go and it made me think – do people decorate every room of their house? From memory my parents only really decorated the living room fully with odd bits and bobs in other rooms. Do you decorate your entire house or just your main room? What decorations would you even put in your kitchen/bathroom?

  1. I have two trees – a normal one and a mini one. These are in the lounge along with some Xmas gnomes/gronk type guys.

    Then I have a string of fairy lights running around the windows in the conservatory, so it’s a bit Christmassy when I come in at night

  2. I only decorate my living room. I have a tree and a handful of other Christmas ornaments that I put up on the shelves. I think I bought them from Tiger Tiger so they were all pretty cheap.

  3. I have my tree in the living room, lights in the window and a bit on the fireplace and that’s it!

  4. Living room and kitchen-diner, we spend more time in the latter.

    Plus an ever increasingly ridiculous outdoor array year on year; the wife will live to regret calling me a grinch 6 years ago for failing to get suitably excited about putting decorations up.

  5. We have built up our decorations collection over the years. This year we got a new tree, so the old one is now in the kitchen/diner. I like to decorate the kitchen/diner because that’s where we have our Christmas meal so I want it to feel Christmassy in there. Also have a garland down the stairs and a few other decor bits in the hall. My husband thinks I go a bit overboard, so I might not be the best yardstick!!

  6. Like most we do the living room.

    We have photos up in the kitchen – washing line type thing, so we swap out these for Christmas photos. Also add the kids Christmas artwork to the walls.

  7. As much as I love Christmas I don’t decorate at all but if I did i’d do as my Mum does and just decorate the living room. Up until this year I used to be able to book Christmas off so I was usually off from Christmas Eve to early January (usually the 2nd or 3rd).

    This year things are a bit different and i’m off Christmas Eve, i’m in Christmas Day and i’m off Boxing Day. I am going round my Mum’s on Christmas Day after work but leaving the day after Boxing Day as i’ll be going into work. I’ve not decorated as i’ll still not be here for most of Christmas.

    Next year though things are reversed and i’m working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, i’ve no idea how this will work logistically but i’ve got 12 months to work it out.

  8. Living room mainly. Also decorate my office area and have fairy lights down my stairs, but that’s year-round after I did it once and discovered it means you don’t need to turn the lights on.

    I’ve been using the same decorations for years apart from buying a new bauble as a souvenir at a museum now and then, so the cost is tiny.

  9. Tree and fireplace garland in the lounge.

    Fireplace garland and some odd bits on the book cases (they’re actually filled with blurays and games) in the front room.

    Garland up the entire banister.

    Wreath on the internal front door and snow globe on the shoe rack.

    Lights in front windows.

    Outside lights and reindeers in garden.

  10. Our house is kind of open plan, stairs in the living room kinda thing, so tree and main decs in the living room, lights or tinsel or omething running up the stairs.

    We have an overabundance of baubles so what we do is string two or three together and hang them from the ceiling, bannisters and the slopey ceiling bit halfway up the stairs.

    Lights in the window and a smart bulb in the porch is programmed to cycle christmas colours.

    Garlands on the kitchen and landing ceiling.

    Any leftover ornaments after decorating the tree go on shelves, doors, bannisters and whatnot.

    Then we get going with the paper chains.

  11. We put lights up outside, have a tree, have some tinsel hanging up, add a couple of festive cushions to the sofas, and put a few decorations up in the hallway, lounge and dining room, like little ornaments or things hanging on doors. We have a couple of garlands too.

    Oh and we have a wreath outside! And our advent calendars are hung up in the dining room!

    And for the last two years in the kitchen we’ve had some wine bottles out, wearing santa outfits!

  12. One tree, decorate the living room but not nearly as extensively as we did in the 70s. Does anyone still do paperchains?

  13. We decorate the lounge, put a wreath on the front door and do a little in the hallway – usually just
    Tinsel or something on the bannisters

  14. Usually only the living room, but it’s only my second Christmas here. I might decorate the kitchen this year too.

  15. The living room/dining room (doors permanently open) and my daughter has a little tree in her bedroom.

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