So usually, I’m a very horny person, and I’d fuck someone and then wait a couple of days, but now it’s changed to fucking different men within a few hours. Just yesterday, I slept with a guy at noon and then another one at 6 pm. The sex isn’t even that great; I love the fucking part. Now it’s the next day, and I hope to sleep with someone again tonight. I feel like this isn’t too big of a deal if it’s a relationship or something, but fucking different people all the time might be a whole other ballpark. I fear it’s coming to a point where I’m becoming addicted to sex because I love penetration. I don’t know what to do. I mean, I love sex.

  1. Stay safe and enjoy the ride. We all go through that phase so don’t feel bad about it. Just make sure you’re safe and that you’re making time for other things in life as well.

  2. I’m with the other two, in that if you stay safe then do you. But I think it exposes you to some dangers like bad men and STDs. Maybe invest in some sex toys? But again, you do you because it’s your life

  3. If you’re concerned about hypersexuality then it’s best to consult with a therapist or your GP about it. I say that as someone also very hypersexual so I mean no judgment with my comment 🙂

    Be safe, though. Condoms too (for everything; STDs can be transmitted through bjs as well) but not just that. Are you meeting these men at their homes or yours? Do you know them well? If you don’t know them that well, do NOT go to their house. A good fuck isn’t potentially worth your life. Try to sleep with them in their car with at least a few people around, even if they’re far away, so that you have an easy escape (not trapped in their house) and people to hear you scream if things go wrong. Carry pepper spray. Use safety apps like Life360 and Noonlight so people have your location, etc.

    Also, buy a sex toy!

  4. So long as you’re staying safe and not doing anything to put yourself in danger hell, fucking enjoy yourself lol

  5. Yo I’ve been in that place. It gave me the worst experiences of my life. It was an incredibly low year, but at the time I couldn’t see that always as clearly. Looking back I’m certain that I was experiencing a form of depression. It was like I was punishing myself and trying to heal myself at the same time, with getting attention and going for rushes.

    But that’s me.

    You – you stay safe. **Never allow them to film or photograph you.** Demand that they wear condoms, if you’re with a woman or going down use dental dams. Tell them to show you clean test results. Get tested. **Having that peace of mind, that you’re not (going to be) sick, should really improve your experience**.

    Join- or create a coven of people devoted to safely practising group sex, if that’s what you want. **There are sex-centered communities out there**, you’ll need to get access through people who can vouch for you & who in turn can tell you who’s trustworthy.

    **Get to know people before you allow them that close**. You’re a concert, people aren’t coming to you for free. Ok? I’ve had terrible, terrible experiences because I didn’t take that kind of time. And I guess I didn’t know the abstract economics of self-worth: how easy it is to give 100% and get 5% back. But again, that’s me, maybe you do know.

    **Get the best toys money can buy** (yo I’m serious, did you know they also sell them on Etsy – or go to a well-lit store with friendly and open displays, and large windows). Spoil yourself rotten in the safety of your own home. With the right kind of toy you can bang a doorpost, a chair or a wall. Or go to a friends’ place. Or do toys with your dates. **Toys are cleaner than genitals.**

    Once met a guy who said “I don’t need toys.” He didn’t have board games, either.

    **Maybe this is who you are, maybe you’re a total slut, and that’s okay, but be safe safe safe safe safe**. A part of me died during my own slut journey and that part of me is never coming back. It’s healing, but it was dead, it’s gone, and it won’t grow back the same way it was before. I’ve been treated for PTSS and broken bones.

    **There are some truly bad men out there, and they will seek out sluts. Sluts should protect themselves and each other.** Do you know any other like-minded people? You can help each other find the right- or good enough men.

    I’m sorry, btw, if you don’t like that word.



    * **Make sure to know where the exits are**. Don’t allow them to use the locks, even if they say it’s a habit or they think someone might come in. If they’re not in charge of their own privacy, they’re not good enough for you.
    * Inform someone you trust from when until when you’ll be gone so you can **call them without them having to pick up the phone and they’ll come get you**.
    * **Trust your gut: doubt? No.**
    * **There’s more to sex than penetration**, try something fun like f.i. going handsfree by yourself. Get creative, build skills, enjoy alone.
    * Be super clear to yourself and the other(s) about your **hard no’s**.
    * Be your own ally: **consider what you would want for your own sister(s)**. Give yourself the same.
    * …just don’t get raped. Ok? Not even mentally or emotionally. Not even for 1 second.


    And here’s the really scary part: after all that I’ve done during that time (a LOT) I don’t have many memories from it. I just remember talking with strangers. Two guys with hilarious fetishes, they were fun. And the bad stuff. The rest was **mostly forgettable. I learned that it just didn’t stick… it didn’t matter enough**. God I wish I could explain this part about forgetting so well that you actually felt it.

    **Edit: ah, and in case you were worried: you’re not broken!** Other commentors already explain it really well – only if you’re suffering from something that you can’t overcome by yourself, maybe seek out a professional. **But just assume you’re okay, you’re only a variety of human.**

  6. Your frequency of new partners is pretty high, which could be a sign that you are acting recklessly in some form or fashion. Finding guys to hook up with is easy, but finding guys who are STD tested and not creepy takes at least a modicum of effort and discernment.

    If you’re properly vetting these guys, practicing safe dating and safe sex, and aren’t shirking your regular duties then you aren’t doing anything wrong. However if your personal and/or sexual safety are being sidelined in pursuit of more partners, you’re playing a pretty dangerous game of Russian roulette.

  7. To be honest I’m a serial monogamist, but me and my partner have sex sometimes 4 times a day (normally 1-2 hour seassions) where she ends the session as she can’t handle cunning anymore… Find yourself one good guy that can do you right in every way you need. ❤️💀

  8. I would be so disgusted to find out that the girl I just had sex with also had sex hours earlier with another man. Some will be fine with this however.

  9. So, it sounds like you’re a little concerned about your behavior. You’ve got one suggestion that is find a single partner who will match your drive. At your age, that shouldn’t be an issue. Another suggestion is find a toy (or multiple toys) you like, and DIY. Third suggestion is just enjoy it as safely as you can for however long the appetite lasts, and the last suggestion I’m mentioning is seeking therapy. Sounds about right?

    If you want more than one partner, try ENM. It doesn’t mean a bunch of sex with strangers, but it can mean satisfying sex with a few partners, each of whom satisfies you in a different way. You can limit your exposure to STIs, as long as everyone in the polycule is STI-free and limits their activity to people who are tested regularly and are already STI-free. It’s not perfect, but it mitigates the risk some.

    If you think there’s something wrong with your behavior, then talk to a therapist. Is your appetite interfering with your ability to maintain friendships, a job, or your studies, provided you’re in school? Those would be indications that you may want to seek help.

    At the end of the day, it’s your life, and I’m just some dude on the Internet, weighing in on your life. If you’re happy, then be as safe as you can be, and enjoy as much as you can.

  10. This sounds like an unhealthy addiction when its with different people all the time. Could get you into some real trouble

  11. I saw a new sex toy thats a dildo that moves back and forth. So its penetrating on its own essentially. Do you think that would help? If its just the act of penetration rather than the attention of a guy.

  12. Part of that is most likely hormones. You’re just finishing up puberty and your hormones do shift a lot. I would try not to be so judgmental with yourself. That opens up a whole new ballpark of issues like shame and guilt. I am 19 as well, biologically female but I identify as non-binary and I’m going through something very similar where I’m craving sex on a daily basis multiple times a day and it’s insane because I wasn’t a very horny person before. Have you tried masturbation? I prefer it some days to sex tbh. It can be a great way to love yourself and express those feelings in a very safe way. Sleeping with a bunch of different men isn’t bad, but it’s risky with stds and stuff like that. Definitely don’t stop if it’s something you enjoy maybe just try finding one person you could do friends with benefits with so it’s not so many different men. If that’s not possible for you and like you’re really concerned about stds but enjoy this lifestyle consider getting tested frequently. Everyone has their own niche is just important to make sure you’re being safe

  13. Sex is great. Sex is really fun. So with that being said, it can act as a really, really, really good camouflage for something deeper. Like extremely good camouflage cause it’s very good, sex is. So much that everyone, even committed people fuck often. Food for thought

  14. Don’t worry , these things come in phases , at your age you should be like this. There will be times when you are not interested. A few of my friends turned very sexual again in their late 30s again . I think i5 is a fear of losing your looks and ageing that drives things at that age though.

  15. Girl here with a high libido. ✋🏼Yknow how they say birth control can lower libido?

    Honestly birth control helped me focus, not be wet constantly, and not think of sex all the time. But mine is high that even with the lowering of libido it’s still high but not as high, Hasn’t killed my sex drive 😬 if that makes sense.

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