A group of us want to spend 3 weeks to a month in the USA. In that time we want to see some of the west coast, middle and east coast. My plan is to book a one way flight to our first city (most likely LA) and then decide what we want to do from there. We won’t be driving just flying into major cities. Is this possible in America or should I have it completely planned out before I leave? And will this effect the price much?

Any other travel advise would be appreciated!


  1. Flights in the US are insanely expensive compared to Europe. You should have a plan for sure

  2. It’s possible but there’s a lot of miles from coast to coast. You should research and make a list of things you’d like to see in each area. You could always ditch the plan and freestyle it if you’re having good luck finding fun things to do but trying to find things to do in the spur of the moment is unnecessarily stressful

  3. Plan ahead, and book your flights ahead. Airfare goes up (sometimes astronomically) the closer to the flight date. You don’t want that kind of uncertainty.

    Also bear in mind that a transcon flight is easily five hours if not more. Plan accordingly.

    Enjoy your trip!

  4. You must drive, by flying you’re limiting the types of people you are going to meet. When you drive you are going to open up a more thorough cross section of the American population. That could be more of an experience. Have you ever seen those episodes of Top Gear where the hosts visit a foreign country, priceless.

  5. I would base the logistics around the bigger airport hubs in the nation… like LA, Denver, Salt Lake, Minneapolis, Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte, NYC/Jersey, among others that come to mind.

    I think your trip will be far more valuable renting a car and visiting the places in between. All of the big cities are just malls and Starbucks.

  6. Plane tickets are very expensive now because of Putin. You should plan out your trip. It sounds fun and laid back wander around, but the reality is that it’s not fun if you don’t know what you’re doing. Being prepared will help you enjoy yourselves. Have everyone write down their “must see” places. LA is a huge spread out area, so it’s better if you narrow down specific places in the area. If you like outdoor concerts or certain museum exhibits, or sporting events, etc., google to find out more. The schedules might affect which cities you visit. Do your research about places, hotels, car rentals, what to do if you get Covid, etc.

  7. Flying is probably more costly here than you expect. Also the time spent in airports would eat up a lot of time. In major cities you could spend 2-3 hours just waiting in the airport to go through security and board.

    I would drive you’ll meet more people and see more of the country. The drive from LA to Las Vegas is much more interesting. and with a group you can take turns driving. I think the Country is too big for what you’re planning. Stick two maybe three regions. You don’t need to do a lot of planning but watch for major events, its hard to get hotel rooms during those weekends.

  8. You’re going to have to do some planning because you need to have a return ticket booked when visiting the US on an ESTA or tourist visa.

  9. I think winging it is a great plan. Nothing more American then letting the adventure take you

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