Hi all,

This is slightly embarrassing to even raise as a concern but I’m really excited about my new relationship and I don’t always post everytime we’re together but he asked to take photos together…I posted one on my story and tagged him on his real Instagram account and he then posted it on his close friends which he just added me to. My heart immediately sank. It felt like I was being hidden or something since close friends in my eyes is for stuff you don’t want the general public to see? Am I overreacting by crying and over thinking this? He then asked me from now on to tag his finsta. He says it’s because he doesn’t take social media serious but I can’t help a nagging feeling that he wants to keep me hidden or is ashamed of me even though he posts me on his BeReal (with less followers) randomly. What do you all think? How can I over come this? Thank you.

TL;DR I think my boyfriend is hiding me or I’m overreacting

  1. I mean crying is overreacting sure but, he doesn’t take sm seriously yet knows to stick posts with you in a private close friend’s section of an app? Girl.

    He sounds like a bit of a loser tbh. Don’t even know him and this info wants me to back away slowly. I doubt the girls he’s trying to prevent seeing this even give a shit about him frankly.

  2. Firstly I would talk to him about it. Different people use social media in different ways and for different things. Your attitude toward close friends might be different than his, and this might not be indicative of anything at all.

  3. Imo please don’t worry about it and just focus on your relationship.

    Maybe he want to protect you by doing it in a way? Maybe he just want to show you to the people he trusts?

    Please don’t overthink it, social media is not a reflection how happy your relationship is.

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