My best friend m19 and I f19.

Context: girl I liked needed time to think when I admitted my feelings. She started to talk to me less and put less effort in conversations. Left me waiting.

my best friend started to get closer with her. When discussing about her to him it started off as him saying “ she still cares about you” “she misses you”. Which later turned into “ you deserve better” “let her go”.

Couple more months past. he tells me he likes her. And when asked why he won’t tell her, it’s because she is a lesbian.
Now he says those feelings are in the past and every time I’m with him he will mention when he gets messages from her and tells me new info on her like the fact she has met and went on a date with a girl.

TL;DR he liked a girl I liked that left me waiting. He now mentions her to me all the time.

What should I do? Any similar stories?

1 comment
  1. This is kinda just classic teenager feelings stuff. I don’t really think anybody did anything wrong. She basically turned you down, your friend is friends with her too and developed a crush…all pretty harmless stuff. If you don’t want to hear info from your friend about her, ask him to stop sharing, but other than that this seems okay. I suspect the general hurt over being rejected is colouring the overall dynamic with your friend more negatively than it needs to.

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