For context we are both 18 and have been dating since we were 16 and we put off having sex for a while to test each others faith but now that we’ve been together for almost 2 years she just won’t have sex with me like at all we had sex yesterday but it was after 5 weeks of nothing, she wont give me head or jack me off or anything and it really fucking sucks because she’s very attractive and hopefully my life partner and i wanna have sex with her everyday. Someone pls give me advice.

  1. I understand how difficult it must be for you with your partner. However, it is important to respect their wishes and boundaries when it comes to these matters. Communication is key in any relationship, especially a romantic one – I suggest having an honest conversation with her about why she might be feeling disconnected from sex. Furthermore, explore different things that could make sex enjoyable for the both of you beyond intercourse: Experiment with different types of affection such as massages or cuddling without expectations of leading somewhere intimate can often cultivate more connection between partners. Good luck!

  2. Have you asked her why she doesn’t want sex as much? Let’s start there. All you talk about is how she won’t do all these things but fail to mention *why* she won’t do it.

  3. What do you mean you put off having sex to “test each others faith”? Were you both raised with the religious belief that premarital sex is sinful?

  4. one of possible reason, she can cheating you with someone and she doesn’t want vaginal sex, because she satisfied with this already and don’t need anymore. bj or hj do not required needs in sex in physical sense, just mechanical work. time of time she will initiate something, but in result it will be like watch porn hear fake moaning and feel yourself unsatisfied at the end in sex meaning. like masturbation there is result, but sex it’s another things.

  5. Talk, talk, talk. You must talk to her to find out why. Maybe you’ve upset her. Women are different to us men. We’re more visual, they’re more emotional. Be nice and understanding and talk. If she’s gone off you, it’s time to move on.

  6. All I am hearing is “I want, I need, I’m horny and she isn’t putting out.” What are her needs?

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