For the past five months, my friend has kept me waiting.

I am a 23F and my friend/friend with benefits is 22M. We have know eachother since kindergarden and we grew up together. Hell, our childhood houses are a short walking distance from eachother. I should also mention that him and I dated for a brief time in our senior year of high school. After we broke up, we decided to remain friends. As of early April 2021, I moved back to our childhood town because of my mother’s sudden passing. A few weeks after I moved back home, him and I rekindled our friendship, but the sexual and romantic tension between us was very obvious. We started acting romantic and sexual with eachother and he even wanted us to become an item again and he wanted me to move in with him. I really wanted to be with him, but I kept declining his offers over something stupid happening in my personal life. This went on for over a year until he started an open relationship with someone else in July of 2022. Because of this open relationship, we still have sex/kiss/hold hands and love eachother, but we do not go on dates. However, over the last five months, when we arrange plans to see eachother, he always shows up hours late and doesn’t text or call me to give me a heads up. As a result, we only spend around half an hour with eachother before he leaves. I understand events pop up unexpected in life, but I just wish he would call and cancel our plans if he’s busy. He’s also a terrible at communication. I just wish he would tell me about his sudden plans so I am not waiting for him for hours! But this only happens when he comes down to see me. I recently went to a play of his, to which he put my name on a list so I would not have to purchase a ticket, and after the play was over, he invited me out for lunch. However, he had to cancel at the last minute he he had to help clean up. This has happened multiple times! Any advice?

TL;DR: Former boyfriend turned friends with benefits can’t keep his promise when we arrange plans.

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you want more from him than he is able to give. If you aren’t happy with his lack of prioritizing you, I would consider getting yourself out of this arrangement.

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