How tightly do you like being hugged/squeezed? Are we talking gentle hugs, or hugs that physically take your breath away/crack your back?

  1. Somewhere inbetween. I strongly people who act like I’m a leper, but I also hate it when people squeeze for the sake of squeezing. It’s just as with men who seem to view shaking hands as a competition they must win. You don’t need to overdo it.

  2. It’s person dependent. I love when my dad and girlfriend give me those tight back cracking hugs. Sometimes my girlfriend will just lay on me to give me the same sensation. Everyone else can just give me regular hugs.

  3. Depends on the person. Family? Regular hugs will do. Friend? Whatever the heck they want to do because we don’t know how to give normal hugs. XD Significant other? As tight as he can without crushing the life out of me. <3

  4. Totally depends on the person and my mood. The more anxious I am, the tighter squeeze I need.

  5. I don’t like any hugs at all, *especially* tight ones. I don’t even do high-fives actually. not a fan of touch. I suppose the exception is my SO, his hugs are really nice. tight enough for me to feel held, but I can also pull away at any moment with ease.

  6. I like how free and intimate women can be with hugs. I wish guys were more ok with a normal hug. And without making everything seem gay.

  7. I don’t really like being hugged or touched by anyone, but a light “hands on eachother’s shoulders” hug as a greeting is ok.

  8. Depends on the person. Casual acquaintance, just a quick hug. Close friends and my partner, a good squeeze is awesome without suffocating me!

  9. depends who. family i like light ones, friends i like tight ones cause it makes me feel likable and fun to be around. boyfriends – i want to be picked up off the floor and spun around lmao

  10. Depends on who’s hugging me. My bf, break me in half. My good friends, give me a good squeeze, acquaintances or strangers don’t touch me ever.

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