I (22f) am in a long distance relationship with a person from another country (27m) for 5 months. Different languages, different cultures, but that didn’t stop us from finding each other. We love each other very much, we are similar in plans for life, views on family, sex and many other things. We never quarreled, we are always extremely honest with each other, but in the last few months we both have mental health problems for various reasons. I am undergoing treatment with antidepressants, talking with a psychologist, doing everything to get better. But the problem is that I’m very worried about my boyfriend. This is the first time I’ve encountered this, but he says that sometimes he has this. He needs a social break from everyone, not only from me but his friends too, and we texting very rarely, although he still loves me. I understand that he feels bad, and every day I write to him about how my day went, send a video or photo of animals/myself, this habit has remained since I was in the hospital. I do not hope at these moments that he will answer, but I absolutely do not know what is happening to him, and I have no one to ask. All he tells me is that he is tired. I understand that this is how he takes care of me, does not want to spoil my treatment, but still I’m worried. I, in turn, send all sorts of sweet wishes, so that if he read them from the notification, this would make him at least smile. Am I doing the right thing, what should I do in such a situation and how can I help him if he may not appear online for weeks or more?

TL;DR: Me (22f) and my bf (27m) in long distance relationship for 5 months. Last few months we both have mental problems, he don’t want to share with me to not ruin my healing and took a social brake (he can be offline for weeks), I try to send him sweet things to cheer him up. Am I doing the right thing and how else I can help him?

1 comment
  1. He does not sound in a healthy enough place mentally for a long term relationship. Not talking to you for weeks isn’t fair to you, it’s only 5 months in and you already have problems, I don’t think this is going to last sorry to say.

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