What small details have people picked up on about you that you never noticed before?

  1. I’ve had people compliment my word choices and the language I use. I don’t really think about it what I say before I say it (in terms of trying to use certain words) so it always takes me by surprise in a good way when someone compliments that.

  2. That my left eye drifts off, like a lazy eye. I dont notice or feel it, but others have seen it move while im talking to them

  3. I had a coworker point out how “melodic” my voice was and they compared me to a Disney princess. I never noticed my tone of voice in my day to day, plus my customer service voice is a little more different than my usual tone.

  4. My gf pointed out that I tilt my head like dogs do when something intrigues me or I’m thinking about something.

  5. “you’re always walking like you’re happy!”
    i said “what’s there not to be happy about?”
    i’ve had depression for like three years lmao natural overcompensation i assume

  6. when i was younger my mom pointed out that if i respond in a rude tone when she asks me to do my chores (usually at a bad time) it’ll make me feel so guilty that i’ll do my chores right after she leaves

    nothing particularly rude. more like “not right now”but since then i’ve noticed i do that a lot in general

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