Hey guys so here is the gig:

I’m a 20yo guy who is dating a 20yo girl. We are each others only partner and we have started a sexual relationship.

5 days ago we tried oral sex and she gave me a blowjob. About 3 days later she says she has canker sores in her mouth.

I never had sex before or had any contact with any other person besides my girlfriend.

Am I responsible for her canker sores? What is wrong ?

Thank you!

  1. Canker sores are not contagious, cold sores are. If you are sure she has canker sores she did not get them from you. The two are very different and easy to distinguish from one another.

  2. Canker sores can be caused by biting the inside of your mouth, stress, hot food, extremely cold food, allergic reaction that causes stress to the lining of the mouth. Just about anything that causes stress to the inside of your mouth can cause a canker sore in some people.

    In some people just stress can cause an eruption. They are not contagious.

    Different than cold sores that occur outside the mouth.

  3. She’s probably giving them to herself by shielding her teeth with her lips. Her teeth are causing the sores when they press into the inside of her mouth while she’s giving head.

  4. It’s quite plausible that oral is the cause, caused by her teeth making contact with the inside of her mouth causing injury, has definitely happened to me before.

  5. If they’re genuinely canker sores, then you have nothing to do with it, they aren’t ever a contagious thing at all

    The concern is that she’s seeing cold sores and calling them canker sores, maybe start by looking up pictures of each to make sure this isn’t the case

  6. If they are inside the mouth and throat, they are canker sores. I’ve gotten them for 40 years. They aren’t contagious at all, but small oral trauma like biting your cheek or tongue is a great way for them to start. I’ve set myself up for them sometimes by pressing my teeth firmly against my lips while going down on my wife.

    The oral injury possibly came from you….but not the canker sore itself.

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