How have your dating standards changed over time?

  1. Mine have raised significantly as I value myself, my time, and my energy more. When I first got divorced, I swiped right on 95% of women, now it’s the reverse.

    I more quickly pick up on things I wouldn’t like, and end something if I don’t think it’ll go where it best fits with my life.

  2. Well, I started out looking for an intelligent and engaging young woman to spend the rest of my life with.

    Now I’m looking for an intelligent and engaging man about my age to sometimes travel with and fuck like a jackrabbit. Maybe spend the rest of my life with.

    So, yeah. Some things have definitely changed.

  3. When I was young I cared a lot about beauty and outward attractiveness. I still think it’s important to be attracted to the other person but these days I look for an awesome personality more than I look for someone who’s super hot.

  4. I *guess* I was really shallow – I only dated women who I found attractive

    I finally solved this by marrying the most attractive women I ever met

  5. I realised that I’d only really be happy with a Female version of myself in terms of outlook, values n interests n personality.

  6. I thought I knew what I wanted: hot girl, somewhat intelligent, did not care about what she did, did not really care about her personality as long as she wasn’t a total asshole.

    Then an absolute knockout 8 years older than me with a PhD came on to me hard and was into kinky shit. That’s when I realized I’m a dominant man who loves ambitious, confident women who want me to dominate them. The intelligent standard increased, as you could imagine.

    Basically, my dating standards skyrocketed because of her.

  7. I just want someone who I think is pretty that won’t be mean. I’ve ended with pretty who are raging cunts… so nice is all that changed really

  8. I started judging people by “would I want to be friends with this person” criteria instead of “would I like to sleep with this person”. Dated so many people I didn’t even like it’s crazy

  9. Lower for looks, higher for other personality-driven factors.

    Lots of “hot girls” everywhere. Any non-fat girl can wear a ton of makeup, fix up her hair, and wear the right clothes. Even fat girls can disguise their suboptimal bodies with the right choice of the above.

    I’m a lot more concerned with personality matches now.

  10. A decade ago, I wanted a reasonably attractive woman around my age who I could hold an interesting conversation with, hopefully who shared an interest or two.

    Now, I want a female with a pulse, of legal age, who isn’t more than twice my weight.

  11. In high school I was looking to date the popular kid but after sitting next with the most popular girl in school for 1 year.I just want a normal no social media person

  12. I am way pickier, my trust in women has all but vanished so I approach all women with a weary eye, and at this stage in my life, they have to be checking every box, or they aren’t worth the effort.

    I am fine with hookups over relationships now, and the getting is so much easier than the keeping. Why bother?

  13. I used to go for anyone who would give me a shot. Then I got involved with someone who just didn’t do it for me. Then I got more picky and I’m in a pretty fulfilling relationship of 4 years, bought a house together and I’m gonna ask her to marry me next year.

  14. my dating standards at this point are eugenic would you be executed in a eugenic society if yes then I dont date you.

    This eliminates mental illness addiction lack of empathy and inability to pair bond it also cuts out users and abusers.


    Thus far it has kept a lot of toxic people that I would have had in my life previously.

  15. I kinda started dating in the damaged goods roulette,I mean i kinda have to see with what disorder i can deal the best and how she handles her disorder. But i wont be captain sav ho that’s for sure.

  16. I used to be all about the “beauty inside”. No, I’m not joking. Then I realized that you can be an all around awesome lady, but if you don’t take care of yourself, mind and body, I just can’t. Looks will always matter.

  17. They have increased dramatically and lowered dramatically.

    For a potential relationship, they have gone way up.

    For a sport fuck they have went way down

    Of course referring to when I was single

  18. I started caring less about whether she’d let me tie her to the bed and do deviant things to her and more about “what kind of mother would she make?”

  19. The farther I become I live, the more selective I’ve become in dating. Maybe that’s the reason why I am still single. I also feel that, in my area, the quality of women is declining.

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