The title may sound dumb but it’s true. Recently I have started dating a really amazing guy and he treats me well. At first I doubted and questioned whether I liked him because usually I fall for people fast and it feels exhilarating, but I’ve realized that it felt so exciting before because all of those people were toxic for me and those crazy “butterflies” were anxiety and I wasn’t 100% comfortable. I know that I really like this guy because sometimes I do feel “butterflies” but it’s usually when he’s being cute or when I’m admiring him, and I love spending time with him because I feel so comfortable. But apart of me is still scared that I will start to think we don’t have chemistry because I’m used to my last toxic relationship that lasted two years and I’m used to people treating me terribly. Does anyone have any advice on how to reframe my mindset?

Tldr: I’m used to the excitement of toxic relationships and want to enjoy my new healthy one.

1 comment
  1. If you’re aware of what toxic relationships are, that’s already a step in the right direction.

    I would recommend keeping an eye out for red flags. Only you know what is best for you. Don’t try to force anything.

    It’s okay to tell someone that you’re dating if things don’t feel right.

    Follow your heart, but don’t force anything.

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