4 months ago i (22mtf) started my first relationship with a girl (also mtf) and it has been amazing. i used to always crave for a love like this. she’s so sweet and i love her, but lately i’ve just been missing the sex i used to have with guys. i miss the thrill of it all, the validation, and feeling sexy. i feel bad for thinking like this because my gf is super sweet, but we don’t have the same interests and i can tell she’s more into me than i am into her. i don’t want to break up with her bc i don’t want to hurt her and i love having her around and being with her. she makes me feel like i can be myself, but i’m also craving/missing sexual situationships i used to have? i don’t know why i’m feeling these things but i’m just very confused and idk what to do lol

  1. Not breaking up with someone b/c you “don’t want to hurt them” is something people think but be real here: you’ll break up with them eventually and the fact that you waited longer to do it *out of pity* is going to make things even worse.

    The far kinder thing to do is break up early. Be brave.

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