I’ve (18F) only had one date, if you could call it that, a few years ago. Recently, I’ve tried to put myself out there, but I’m struggling to understand what that even means anymore. There are no clubs in my area, the dating app I tried had no guys nearby either, and everyone at my workplace is too old for me. So, what the Hell am I meant to do? I know I’ll be suggested some dance club or a pub, but I really don’t feel comfortable in that environment, especially as I look a lot younger than I am, and I already feel embarrassed carrying around my ID. I’m starting to become afraid of the idea of dating, just over the fact that it may take months or years to even go on one, and I’ll be so inexperienced that I’ll make a fool out of myself…

Do you have any ideas on how I can meet people, given my circumstances? I must also add that I cannot meet people through friends because I do not have any friends, either…

  1. Maybe reintroduce yourself slowly. Go out with a friend of yours and her BF or other common friends. You don’t have to Do interview style dating or apps. Just hang out with more people and you will sorta find a companion. do activities you enjoy and do stuff in groups.

  2. Maybe get a hobby? You can meet people everywhere, and if people share interests, it is even easier to take a liking to each other. (Gym, social gatherings or volunteering)

    I personally hate/ hated dating apps, just nothing for me, but I am a person that actually liked bars, clubs and house parties. Meaning that we are different in that way, so maybe something less extroverted is better for you.

    And about your fear about being too inexperienced, don’t be, everyone has a different age and speed they get started gaining experience. If someone doesn’t accept your inexperience, that person is not right for you. There are 3.5 billion guys out there (or girls or whatever)… keep looking, you will meet someone, just don’t force it, if it is forced it is shit.

  3. In general get out there and have patience. Volunteer, talk to people at work, or see if there’s any groups looking for members where you get your hobby supplies. When I was dating my wife, the group she hung out with at karaoke was always acquiring new people. There’s nothing wrong with being by yourself, have patience and find your group.

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