What are some useless superpower to have?

  1. To be covered with a blanket every time you get scared. Like the towel materializes out of nowhere.

  2. Invisibility.

    You are, indeed, invisible. But, light doesn’t hit your retina, so you are also blind. So you aren’t really that useful in sneaking around or hiding. It might be a little useful, but very limited.

  3. Most of them from a by reality stand point. There are some videos and post around that show the down side of most of them.

  4. I guess you could have a super power making you immune to jellyfish… it’s really not gonna come up that often. Or the power to make things biodegrade twice as fast. It’s still a super long time, not gonna be knocking buildings down with that one.

    Oh, the power to summon a swarm of bees. Not control them, just summon them.

  5. Super strength for half a second. Or semi flight, where you awkwardly float a little bit above ground

  6. Me and my best friend used to come up with the worst super powers we could think of. My buddy’s was being able to have absolute control of all milk products, and mine was being able to see into my past!

  7. Super strength. You’ll be causing property and bodily damage all the time but that’s only if your strength doesn’t snap your bones or joints.

  8. Turning into animals but also having the intelligence of the animal you turned into.

    The ability to predict what will happen in the near future, but such the near future that you don’t have enough time to react. (Like a ms into the future).

    The ability to astral project but you cannot remember what happened after you return to your body.

  9. Reading thoughts sounds cool but it’s not like you can control what they’re thinking at the time. It’ll be a bunch of random shit 24/7.

  10. Being immortal. You get older and older but cannot die. Not to mention, if someone cut you into tiny pieces, you’ll feel all that pain for all eternity.

  11. Immortality. I can’t be arsed explaining. But yeah after a 400 year mark. It would get pretty boring…. Unless there’s space travel and the ability to visit other planets and explore other species. Then make that about 5000 years…. Until there’s a malfunction and you end up in quicksand or stranded in deep space. You fucked.

  12. seeing the past except its only your life. so at random intervals of time you will suddenly lose consciousness (but like stay standing still u wont pass out) and see a vision of something that happened to you in the past. its useless, annoying, and brings back annoying moments.

  13. Flight or super speed but you’re blind when you use it.

    Xray vision, as in you can only see in the xray spectrum now.

    Summon an overripe banana once a day. Mandatory.

    Laser vision you can’t turn off.

    Gorilla feet.

  14. I have a pretty good track record of not breaking my tools when they fall off my ladder at work.

  15. My only super power is I always get good parking. It could be a crowded parking lot and someone will pull out of a front spot as I’m pulling up

  16. The ability to shoot spaghetti out of your fingers, but everytime you do it hurts incredibly bad.

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