Also what kind? Regular? Wood stove? One of the fake gas ones? Pellet stove?

  1. I used to have a regular wood burning fireplace in my previous house. I used it frequently in the winter

  2. I have two and a wood stove. One we can’t use because it is plumbed for a wood stove insert but the previous owners took the insert and they are pricey.

    Then we have one regular and one wood stove.

    We use the regular one rarely but the wood stove constantly all winter to heat the house.

  3. I have one that I haven’t used in a long time. It’s a gas and wood fireplace. I need to have the chimney cleaned before I use it again

  4. 1 – Wood burning. Nothing better than sitting with a drink in hand while it’s cold out and watching the flames dance. As for a use, the colder it is, the more I want to use it.

  5. I have a wood fireplace. I haven’t really used it a lot in the last few years because it really hasn’t gotten cold enough to warrant a fire.

  6. the house I grew up in had a fake gas fireplace. My house does not have one. It doesn’t get all that cold here anyway so it does not seem worthwhile to have.

  7. We have a wood stove and run it pretty much all winter. We’ll let it go out if it’s going to get about 50 or so. We own some woods so I collect enough firewood and don’t have to buy any. The stove warms the whole house and keeps it around 72. If it gets really cold, below 20 or so, the furnace will run some, and also first thing in the morning when the fire is out. I love pretty much every about it, except maybe the dirt I drag in with the firewood.

  8. I grew up with a wood stove in the house. My grandmother had a wood fireplace. I currently have a gas fireplace.

    My parents used the wood stove sporadically. I never saw a single fire at my grandmother’s. I haven’t used my gas fireplace at all since I bought the house a year ago, and will eventually replace it with an electric blower

  9. uh, one fireplace, I think it’s a pretty standard one but it hasn’t been used my entire life so it probably needs some maintenance

  10. I have a fire place insert. I’ve been using it about once a week so far. Usually on the weekends for family movie night.

    I also have an electric fireplace media center sort of thing that we use more often, even if just for the ambience without heat

  11. I have a gas fireplace. It was capped when I bought this house 11 years ago and I made a chalkboard to cover it. We have central heat so I’ve never needed it.

  12. One wood burning fireplace. We use it a few times a year. It does okay at heating the living room.

  13. There’s an electric fireplace in our basement, but we’ve never used it. We do use our outdoor fire pit, though.

  14. Wood stove. Use it almost daily throughout the winter. I have a gas furnace too, but the heat from the stove is so much nicer.

  15. I haven’t had a place with one in several years. In fact I think only 2 of the 15 or so places I’ve lived had one (both regular wood burning), and they were rarely or never used. Fire pits are far more common

    I’ve had fires at friends houses though, the last one last winter.

  16. My parents have a gas one. They use it often!

    My ex had a wood fire one. I enjoyed putting logs on there and keeping the fire going when I would go visit her.

  17. We do, but we pretty much never use it. I don’t mind it, though, IMO fireplaces still add character to the interior of a room.

    I’m actually curious now what percentage of single family homes actually have fireplaces. I wouldn’t be surprised if the percentage is actually pretty high.

  18. I don’t have one, but my parents had a wood burning fireplace in their home when I was a kid. They used it pretty often in the winter, a few times a week. They also had a kerosene heater for times they wanted more heat.

    They converted their wood burning fireplace to a gas one now. It does a decent job of heating their house.

    They have a second home in Houston and it also has a gas fireplace. I doubt it’s turned on often down there though.

  19. I have a hearth that currently has a propane heater on it. It’s used for backup/auxillary/power outage heat and for atmosphere reasons. Have electric HVAC for primary heating.

  20. Two internal and one external.

    I use one of the internal nearly every day in Winter. I’ve got a big house and it’s an efficient way to heat a big room. Plus it’s nice to work by a fire.

    I use the outdoor one a few times a week at breakfast. I’ll drink my coffee on patio. It’s cold out there, but a few small pieces of wood is perfect.

  21. I haven’t had one in a little over a decade, but I used it a lot when I did.

    Hard to beat spending time beside a crackling fire with a book on a dreary day, or settling down next to one to unwind on a cold night.

    Also loved the bit of smoke scent left behind. Had mostly leather furniture at the time, a lot of old books, and baked a lot. Got the compliment then that my place “smelled like a guy…but in a good way”.


    My mom lives in a small cabin and uses a wood burning stove as her primary source of heat so uses it almost every day for about 4-5 months each year. She has various other options available for heat, but the stove is cheaper and more reliable (lives in the middle of nowhere on a mountain, and while power outages are rare, it’s still nice to know she has reliable heat in the winter there.)

  22. I have 4 in my turn of the century craftsman. I use them not at all and they take up space that could otherwise be used but cannot remove them if I ever want to get my home on the national historic registry

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