What are all the things you think about them?

  1. How they feel/act about it tells me more than that bit of trivia. How would such a thing even come up?

  2. The list of the things it could mean is hundreds long, so it doesn’t really tell me anything.

  3. Bruh(or girl) there was this guy from my last work center that was a virgin (by choice) and I honestly and truly commended him and even look up to him for that. Nowadays, it’s hard to keep your virginity past 20 as it’s easy to find sex, maybe not so much the younger you are, but truthfully , be exuberant and proud of that. That’s a like an achievement medal

  4. Nothing, only bullies and assholes would ever consider that as something to mock, it’s not a big deal.

    Virginity only implies inexperience, which is not negative, most people are inexperienced in most things, if it matters or not only depends on how much you value such experience.

    Sex is something intimate so, nobody but you and your partner should really care about it.

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