28m I’ve been living with my parents while working seasonal jobs in Alaska. Working out in Alaska the gender ratio is mostly men , so when I’m back home I’ll try dating but it’s starting to feel like it’s not even worth it if you don’t have your own place .

Edit: thanks for all the responses and advice !
Im not trying to bed every woman I can , I’m not really cut out for that. I really just meant dating in general.

  1. In my opinion it is. There are plenty of people in relationships with other folks who do and also do not have their own place. In some cultures, some don’t want their children moving out until they’re married.

  2. If you live at home and do nothing, then no.

    If you live at home and work, saving money and got a few goals in mind and ambition, sure … but some people may still have an issue about it for whatever reason.

  3. Well, depends. What do you want to get out of dating? Can you quantize the unit of that outcome? How much resources are you willing to put into obtaining said unit? 😉

    Example: if you want to have sex with as many women as possible in the shortest amount of time then by all means get a reliable access to a place where you don’t have to introduce those many women to your parents by the virtue of living together.

    On the other hand, if you have a good reason for living with your parents (other than being too lazy / poor to move out) and you get along with them as flatmates… that might work.

    I (25m) for example think that housing market in my country is a shitshow and that I might move somewhere [as in: relocating for a job or other opportunity] next year (that rules out owning for me for now). Also: my family has a decent sized house. So I could either rent something small for an absurd amount or live with them (and pay much less and the money stays in the family).
    This is the important part IMO: I could afford renting, maaaaaaybe even owning as well – I just choose not to.

    I also lived in different places, both with other people and alone – so I have a track record of being able to run an apartment and get along with other people while doing it.

    So, given all that: if a women doesn’t want to interact with me because of the mere fact that I share living space with blood relatives, well… call me Neo, because that’s a bullet I’ve dogged 😉

    Anywya, hope it helps, there is a shit ton of variables and preferences at play and you know your circumstances best. Would I recommend getting a place just to increase your chances of attracting a partner? Nah. I’d totally recommend getting a place of your own if you never did that though.

  4. Man I have my own house and am in the same situation. Don’t sweat it . Plus you got things going for you to . 💪

  5. If you want to practice connecting with people and hope to develop something more, always a good time. Perhaps this will be a good opportunity to practice confidence and openness. You have a perfectly valid reason to live at home, this is a chance to practice expressing something you shouldn’t be embarrassed about but society might judge.

    That said, if you’re looking to hookup, yeah, it might make that harder!

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