My bf and I are kinky-ass people. Last night he wanted to watch me have sex with another man. We found a very willing participant, a young guy with quite a biggun’. He sent us pics and everything, my bf thought it was hot that I found him super hot and that his dick was goddamn huge. So we meet up, get things started while bf gets “comfy” watching us. The guy is pretty shy, it’s a first for him, but we got things going…. until I’m on my knees, unzip his pants, and take his dick out. It was indeed ginormous but also had little white bumps on it. And lots of spots in his groin area, like big gray protruding things. Nothing he shared before or in his photos. Needless to say we were both a little…. turned off so I didn’t fuck him. Wtf is this? Herpes? Genital warts? Why would he not tell us beforehand? We always ask for proof of STD-free so we can have sex bareback and my bf can do his job of cleaning me up afterwards. What is going on here??

  1. 😬please let this be a lesson to the two of you, I’m
    Sorry you have experienced this but maybe FaceTime first? Just so you know you’re not being dickfished

  2. There are so many things that could cause that that are not an std but it’s best to not continue if it’s not something your comfortable with as u said

    Did he have anything to say about them? Did u look up pics of genital warts to compare?

  3. >my bf can do his job of cleaning me up afterwards.

    I don’t want to sound naive but what’s this about?

  4. if it’s what I think it is, dont think it was an STD, its actually really common bumps. But good job being alert.

  5. Could be molluscum (sp?). My roommate had it. It’s begnign and highly contagious, but will go away eventually with proper treatment.

    Glad you didn’t go through with it!

  6. yeah definitely dont risk it

    could be something harmless, or exactly what you think it is

  7. White bumps closer to the base could be hair follicles. Especially if you shave.

    Edit** Fordyce Spots is what I am referring too.

  8. One day I was getting into the shower and noticed little white bumps all over. I was freaking out.
    I showed my doctor and she asked me all the upfront, sex questions and then asked about my lifestyle. She asked if I had recently changed my laundry detergent and I said yes. She said that this is a normal reaction from the change because my skin was use to the other stuff. I didn’t need to do anything and it went away on its own in about a week.
    So that could have been a possibility.

  9. Look up fordyce spots. The aren’t an std and many women and men have them. r/fordycespots

  10. Yeah the gray ones sound like warts, especially if they are large. The white spots. Can be many things. Like I have very little, below the skin white bumps. You have to look really hard but basically my doctor told me they are fordyce spots. Essentially normal oil producing glands and some are bigger under the skin and since those glands are naturally whiteish. They can be seen. Mine are just at the base of my dick but as I’ve gotten older. They started to just disappear lol. They are just kind of there. I am bigger about 8″ so idk if that affects much, maybe they appear easier when hard. Idk. But I don’t have any gray ones lol. So those may actually be warts. Especially if they protrude and are on the surface of the skin.

  11. my ex had tiny small bumps on him but i’m not sure if it’s the same as what you’re talking about. he did get it checked by a doctor and they told him it wasn’t an std nor was it spreadable to partners

  12. Okay so you said he sent pics of his junk. We’re the spots not in the pics? If that’s true then it’s definitely an std and not just some random vestibular spots.

  13. Hmm, had he shaved his pubic hair by chance? Might be a combination of razor burn and ingrown hairs, but you absolutely made the right decision.

  14. If this is the first time y’all have shared each other then it prob worked out for the best. There’s been countless “I let her fuck someone else and I regret it so much/our relationship is over” posts here

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