I’m 15 I got my gf pregnant 14 and idk what to do please I need help and advice

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  2. This is an extremely heavy situation for both of you, you need to have a discussion with each other and with your parents. You have 3 options here, keep the baby, adoption, or abortion. None are easy choices to make and each will have challenges and issues that’ll arise overtime. This is a difficult situation to be in but I wish you and your girlfriend all the best.

  3. Hi I know you did not ruin your life don’t think like that but this is a very important decision and you need to think about it so you don’t have regrets later on in life but first and foremost it is nobody else’s business besides you and your girlfriends and always go with your gut and listen to your heart but first of all you need to know how many weeks pregnancy so that if you are going to get an abortion you need to make sure you have enough time I’m in the State of Florida and I’m pretty sure that by 14 or 16 weeks or something might be the latest you can get an abortion and since recently not every state have them available so make sure you look at all your options so and if you are financially stable then want to raise it good luck and be good to the child and always remember that tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass kind of thing like it’s not the end of the world there is always another day just get up dust yourself up try again the next day and you haven’t done anything wrong if you are in love it is a beautiful thing but you are very very young you have your whole life ahead of you if she plans to go to college or if her parents are very religious or something and you need to think about those things as well and make sure that she is safe always and the end of the day it is her decision it is her body it is the rest of her life and she needs to do what is right for her and child I wish you all the best but it is not the end of your life in some ways is beginning or it is a giant lesson learned on life and how to take sex very seriously it is someone giving you their whole heart and soul to you even women who think they can do it casually truly deep down it is not a casual thing for us women I will stop talking and wish you all the luck in the world

  4. Okay, before you start going down this self-destructive rabbit hole.

    Make sure she is actually pregnant.

    Periods dates vary, 1 day does not mean anything.

    You could be getting yourself worked up over nothing.

    And then if she is not pregnant… remember these exact feelings you’re going through. How scary they are and practice safe sex because of it.

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