I went on a first date last night with a girl from Hinge. I know this is just my view of it, but I thought the date went great. Conversation was natural, it ended up being longer than planned (i.e., she told me she had to do a hard stop at 8 but we stayed until 9:20ish), she bought up to me that she wanted to see me again/when I was free, and we kissed for about 20-30 seconds after the date.

She texted me that got home safe and thanked me for the nice time. I texted her today more or less confirming plans for our second date next week. This was about 4ish hours ago and no response as of yet. I’m started to get paranoid that I’m getting ghosted, which confuses me especially after she was the one to bring up about seeing me again.

Am I overthinking things? I have had similar situations happen to me before (i.e., a great date with physical contact then ghosted) and I suffer from anxious-ambivalent attachment style.


  1. Yeah I would be patient. If you show such paranoid, anxious behavior I would feel overwhelmed and pressured. Stop counting the seconds and do other things. Obsession is not romantic.

  2. Overall, I wouldn’t worry about this, even if you do get ghosted. Also, four hours is not that long, you need to respect that this person’s priority is not to respond to someone she went on one date with. I would also talk to a therapist about your attachment issues if it creates this type of anxiety.

  3. No response after 24 hours just assume she’s ghosted.

    You can invent a break up text if it gives you peace of mind.

  4. All you can really do is wait and see if you get a response. If you don’t get one, all you can really do is move forward

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