My boyfriend M55 and I F63 have been involved for 4 years. He calls me multiple times daily and on weekends he comes to my house. I hardly ever get sick but when I do it takes 3 to 5 days to get better. I can’t go to work if I have any contagious illnesses due to my job with handicapped children (nurse). Friday night I got very sick with stomach issues and coughing and typical cold symptoms. He called and I had been sleeping, and I told him I was sick. He started ranting at me about my house is dirty and I have too many cats and that is why I was sick. Then he says I need to go to urgent care. I kept saying no I just need sleep. He kept ranting about all kinds of stuff for about 29 minutes and I stopped listening and kept repeating I need to sleep. He hung up on me. The following day at 930 am he comes over bringing Ibuprofen then later on he brought Chinese food. Today he told me again that I need to go to urgent care. I told him maybe tomorrow if I don’t get better. Here is the problem though, I hate going to the doctor and he knows it. I prefer to get over it without taking antibiotics and anyway antibiotics don’t do anything if you have a virus. I know he will be relentless about me going so I pray to get better by tomorrow. So is this him being concerned or is he trying to control me? I appreciate any thoughts or advice.

  1. It’s impossible to tell the purity of his motive here from your post. At 63, you should know when you’re being stubborn and when you’re being honest with yourself.

    I suspect the issue here is that you are not honest with yourself and you are not taking care of yourself in a way that’s appropriate to your age.

    So try accepting some assistance herr

  2. It’s hard to know without knowing both of you. You are absolutely correct that antibiotics don’t help a virus and any good doctor won’t even prescribe them after two days but they might give you something for your cough or an inhaler if needed. Or something for congestion possibly. No idea why he brought Chinese food, how about some fruit ? Maybe he was worried about you or maybe he is controlling, I have no idea, but hanging up on you isn’t nice.

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