y’all it just seems like i keep going on dates or having hookups with introverts which isn’t a bad thing at alllll; most of my friends are introverts and i love them!!! but it seems like they don’t like me….

in these interactions i’m always very upbeat, make meaningful eye contact, smile, tell my story very honestly, and talk about things in my life that i love…. which is people. my church, my friends, my roommates, just people in general. but this seems to be off-putting! because the people i’m dating are very quiet, very awkward, and talk a lot about how much they like living alone, working remotely, etc. then they either ghost or say we’re “not a good romantic fit”

how does one date as an extrovert without scaring people off??? or can i find an extrovert partner (man or woman idc)? i don’t wanna have to censor my personality just to get a second date lol. go in peace.

  1. > then they either ghost or say we’re “not a good romantic fit”

    Sounds like they’re telling you the truth. You guys don’t sound compatible.

    >how does one date as an extrovert without scaring people off???

    It’s not you. You’re just not compatible with these ppl and we need to find you ones that are. That’s all.

  2. Try going to events in order to find people, probably events that are large and an introvert would avoid lol

  3. Sometimes people just talk too much about themselves on a date and it’s very off-putting. It’s not uncommon to realize I’ve listened to 2-3 hours about this person without him asking any questions about me or having an actual conversation. When I try to interject, they just go back to talking about themselves. Honestly, If I have to hear about your story, friends, family, church, people, etc. all on the first date, sounds too much. Get a vibe going before you share your life story – switch up to some more conversational topics so your date can also contribute to the conversation. Introverts don’t generally want to share personal details with a complete stranger. It’s not censoring your personality; it’s being a good conversationalist.

  4. Just get out of your head and stop worrying about the results your getting. Start worrying about the effort your putting in and you will get what you want very soon.

  5. Why are you so set on dating an introvert? It sounds like you’ll get along better with a more extroverted guy.

  6. So most of my extremely extroverted friends turn people off because of their constant need for human interaction. It’s just really annoying. They meet someone they’re into and immediately start blowing up their phone and beg them to hang out everyday, etc.

    As an extrovert, you need to respect other people’s space and boundaries. You need to realize that not everyone needs constant human interaction.

  7. Lmao I feel u, I’m super extroverted and tend to be romantically attracted to introverts, but I always think that they are annoyed by me, and things don’t usually work out. And when I date other extroverts we end up becoming fwb because there’s no romantic attraction there

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