Okay so like they keep saying stuff like this but I have no idea wtf I’m supposed to need help with???? 😂 and its almost like a common thing they say even repetitively.

Any ideas? or are there any men who can clarify what the hell this means.

  1. I’m not sure, isn’t this something people say to be helpful and let others know they are willing to answer questions or really help if you need something? I have heard a lot of people say it, but they are normally older than me for some reason. Thanks!

  2. I say it all the time, because I want to help, if someone needs it, and can find the courage to ask for it, I’ll do my best. And while you might not need it right in that moment, you might need it in the future, and they’re letting you know you can ask them when that time comes.

  3. It literally means what it means…..men are usually very literal and blunt. Men like to feel useful and needed, it makes us “feel better”.

  4. Its a lot easier for people to accept help than to ask for help. I talked to a good friend recently. I found out he purchased his new home. So I ask him if he needed help moving.

    He would never have asked himself, but after saying how he didnt need it if it was inconvenient he accepted it.

  5. I get this too. I think it’s a sign of social awkwardness…like women who always apologize.

  6. It means they want to do things for you want you to be happy…. you know, like what happens when someone helps you with something.

  7. Men often aren’t taught how to connect with people beyond the utilitarian. When I used to say this, what I wish I’d said was “you mean a lot to me. When I connect with you, do you feel seen and heard in ways that feel meaningful to you as well?”

  8. Depending on the context. It’s their “open gate”. Doesn’t mean it’s sexual or looking for a relationship. It’s just them offering their help.

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