What is something people wont understand until they experience it?

  1. The earth shattering brain spattering feeling when your spouse dies suddenly and completely unexpectedly.

  2. Heartbreak. Waking up planning the rest of your life with someone, and going to sleep knowing you’ll probably never talk to them again…wild fucking shit man

  3. Getting cheated on.

    I always thought if I ever suspected or have proof my spouse cheated on me, I’d be done.

    Denial and then hoping they change is brutal.

    I’m better now, but so understand why people stay with cheaters for a while even when the cheating still happens.

  4. When you turn 25 and your brain finally develops and you realize how much of an idiot you were from the ages of 16-22

  5. Coming face to face with someone who has homicidal intent towards you. It’s a chilling feeling, to see someone so intent on ending your life. Your body has a number of responses to it and if you’re lucky you have an instinctive response that is actually useful.

    In my case, my mind went blank, wiped clean by rage. I only came to after the threat was halted, and the memory of what happened almost feels dream like. But I can remember the sensation. I could even feel the air around my body as I was moving through it because in that instant when adrenaline surged, my awareness heightened to a level I had never felt before.

    Reddit doesn’t like details about this kind of stuff though, so I can’t tell the actual story otherwise I may get slapped for “promoting violence” again. By recounting a story from years ago the way it happened.

  6. Miscarriage. Even when it’s very early, it’s really hard to understand what the person is going through. It happened to my wife and I was pretty okay with it because I think I’m a robot. She was not. The doctor told us to wait six months before trying again and she was deliberately trying to get me to “try” again within a month but I refused to finish inside of her. (I don’t know how to put it another way). It made things very uncomfortable because she was so heartbroken by the loss and just wanted to be pregnant again. It took us two more years of doctor visits, drugs, shot and insemination but we finally got there to get pregnant with twins. We lost one early on but we have a 12 year old daughter and an 11 year old son now but that first Miscarriage set the course for a rough couple of years. Guys, if your wife misscarries, be ready for a Rollercoaster of hormones and do your best to be there for your wife or baby’s mother because you don’t know what they are going through.

  7. Parenting. Hearing a child that doesn’t understand what they’re saying in anger tell you they want a new Daddy or Mommy or they hate you after you’ve had to discipline them in some way jolts you to your marrow. But having one slam into you when you’ve walked in from a hard day being shit on at work for 12 hours and latching onto you just melts all the bad away and everything seems a little…brighter. We have three young daughters and the world was never the same after the first one came into it.

  8. Dealing with a Narcisist or a Sociopath. Normal people don’t understand how hard it is to deal with them or get them out of your life.

  9. Having an addict as a partner. It feels like it doesn’t matter what you do, you end up enabling them. I tried so hard to help, I really did.

  10. Watching your child being born. I thought I was going to understand how I felt. But Fuck me, I was wrong.

  11. Being in an abusive relationship.

    It seems so obvious when you’re someone external to the relationship. But when you’re actually in it you realize how easy it is to make excuses for terrible behavior. I never in a million years thought it would happen to me because i “knew” the signs but nope, like most people I couldn’t reconcile that the most amazing person I’d ever met in my entire life could also be so abusive to me because there were always “reasons” for it and why would someone who said they loved me so much purposefully hurt me? And that even though I had a good job and supportive friends and family, leaving was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life because it meant giving up on love, putting conditions on love, thinking you’re not being strong enough because marriage takes work after all and everyone argues and even freaking Darth Vader got a redemption arc for being a good person deep down and that’s the same with your partner because they’re not all bad after all And if you leave there’s a good chance the love of your life will kill themselves and can you handle that on your conscience.

    So yeah, it’s something I thought I understood but no, not really.

  12. Poverty

    Life can be very difficult for the poor. They may lack access to basic necessities such as clean water, proper nutrition, or healthcare. They may lack access to education or employment opportunities, and may be unable to afford even basic items such as clothing or shelter. They may also be subject to discrimination and negative stereotypes, which can further complicate their ability to improve their situation. These conditions can lead to feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, and despair, as well as physical and mental health issues.

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