I’ve been seeing TikToks of people joking about going numerous failed talking stages so I’m wondering how true is this for people.

  1. Like 3 or 4. Guy here, each time it was myself ending it for pretty valid reasons. One was more mutual but she got sick and went back to her ex (they have kids) so I completely understood that.

    Now with a very beautiful and sweet nurse.

  2. Seven I think , got out of a ten year relationship so I was very rusty and probably not ready at first.

  3. I’m not sure how I’d define talking stages – what duration of time would it have to be? I’d say maybe 4-6 and I dated two of themv

  4. I’m on my 13th, my heart can only ask what’s your favourite artist and get Taylor Swift as a response so many times.

  5. Since May of 2021, zero since I’ve been in a happy relationship. Met her off hinge. Before that, dozens in the year and a half that I was single. It was terrible

  6. 7…I think?
    I had my heart broken by one and was pretty hurt by another.

    Kinda just chilling for these last 4 months after that. :/

  7. My ex (short relationship) broke up with me in Feb, my current partner and I have been together since early August. So surprisingly no failed talking stages

  8. Wait, you guys count your talking stages? Like, before you’re actually hanging out, no hooking up, no dates? Just like, texts/social media and running into each other at group events?

    I responded to a handful of insta story replies, maybe 6, towards the beginning of the year from people I went to elementary, middle, high school, college with and caught up/stayed current for a few weeks, does that count?

    Tbf I’m oblivious, I didn’t realize I was dating my boyfriend until it had been over a year. Had to ask him “wait are we dating” “yeah slowpoke, I’ve been waiting for you to notice” “…should we be exclusive now?” “Yeah obviously, we have a Costco membership together you goof”

  9. i’ve “talked” to a LOT of guys this year, but i only had one serious talking stage with someone i thought i was actually going to date

  10. 3 maybe? I mean it’d be more if you count me talking with romantic intent to multiple girls who had absolutely no romantic intent. I mean does it count if only I was interested?

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