What do you guys think , 27 years old never been with a women but I really would like to.
Im not desperate or anything but I’m starting to get kind of lonely 😞.
I don’t have many friends and don’t go out to bars much so that doesn’t help either.

Pros- fairly good looking , outgoing , I can hold a conversation with the right people, workout, run, I have the confidence to sing in front of loads of people at weddings (sober) very spiritual I meditate before bed.

  1. You sound like you have a lot of things in check. Are you financially secure? You can have all the above but when it comes to this it might be difficult if you want a long term relationship. Something valued in relationships is stability. Even if you aren’t, you just have to be open about it and still be working towards it.

  2. So the obvious answer is dating apps, however those are not for everyone.

    For something more stable; the first thing I’d recommend is to find an interest that is social, and has a has a decent split of men and woman.

    If you’d like an example, in the US most cities have co-ed kickball leagues that are usually not that competitive and are mainly used as an excuse for socializing, and are usually filled with people exactly your age.

    Do you have a job? Is it a career path type job or not? Women want someone that has a stable financial situation and the possibility of growth in the future.

    Then comes the difficult part, actually talking to women. This can be intimidating, but remember conversation is just talking about different topics.

    This is the hard part is choosing which ones. Your opener should be something that’s either related to them (complimenting an article of clothing), a comment about something your both experiencing (long line, an argument happening elsewhere, etc).

    As you are speaking, you should be trying to understand her. What does she like/avoid talking about? Has she given any pieces of information that you can ask questions about?

    Then use those to come up with more questions or separate topics.

    Then you just see who you mesh well with, and go from there. You also need to understand that it’s a bit of a numbers game, and that you’ll be your least successful when your the least experienced, but if you keep trying you’ll gain experience and with it success, as long as you are learning and growing from your encounters.

  3. No. It’s not late. Plenty of girls single your age or even younger than you who prefer to date older guys anyways.

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