Kissed a guy with a gf. Already know it’s horrible. I made a similar post asking on what I should do next. Tried to find his gf and am unable to find her. I did tell him off and block him and I am avoiding him entirely. I will try to get one of his friends or another co worker to tell me her name and I will try to get him to tell her as well. I feel horrible and I will never drink again. It was selfish and horrible. I know I am a piece of shit just like him. But is there anything else I can do to make it right? I just want to make it right. Even a little bit.

  1. Yea it was a shitty thing to do, but he‘s the dickhead because he is the one in a relationship! Definitely try and find the gf to tell her. There is a chance that she won’t believe you though please take that into consideration as well

  2. They way I see this, you initiated a kiss with a guy in a relationship and now youre trying to destroy his relationship for something you did.

    If Im wrong then you can provide more info and prove me wrong.

  3. A good tip to find her, after googling him just make an extra account and try to find her through there after adding him, make it realistic and then add her through your personal one to give her the situation

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