My (20f) friend (20m) just broke up with his long term girlfriend a few weeks ago. I’ve never thought of this boy in any way but platonic for the two years I’ve known him and still am not attracted to him. He came out the other night with my friend and I and I was blacked out before we even started walking home from the party. Apparently, I kept trying to run into the street and he had to body guard me to keep me on the sidewalk and at some point I fell because there’s a big scrape on my knee.
The next day I woke up and didn’t remember what had happened until he texted me “we should talk” and suddenly a got a super short flashback of us making out. I had no idea if we had had sex until I saw him to talk about it. He said that he wasn’t trying to take advantage of me and that I was the one who initiated it and was very persistent, which i believe because I am an absolute horny gremlin when I’m drunk. At the same time, I would have thought that he’d be more concerned to learn that i had absolutely no memory of it. At one point he used the phrase “conscious enough” which was probably meant to be a joke but felt icky. Like even if I was initiating it could he really not tell how drunk I was? I didn’t ask for detail s because I didn’t want to know but he told me that it lasted a long time and I tired him out so I must have been an active participator right?
Since then, he hung out with my friend and talked about it like he was proud . He also told my friends boyfriend. Idk I just wouldn’t be bragging if the other person didn’t remember it. Just feeling weird about it and mad at myself for putting myself in that position and am welcoming second opinions

TL;DR my friend and I had sex while I was blacked out and I don’t remember it. I initiated it but am feeling weird about it. He has Reddit so I hope he doesn’t see this

  1. I’m not sure you can call this person your friend, he took advantage of you and seems to have no regrets over his behaviour. This hovers so close to the definition of rape I wouldn’t be boasting about it to others.

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