There’s a lot of videos about how to make sex pleasurable for women but for men I haven’t found much, any tips are appreciated

  1. You need to talk to the individual guy. Enthusiasm can count for a lot (though that goes for women partners as well).

  2. The best you can do is ask to the guy what he wants, what things he likes the most, etc to make sex more pleasurable. Every person is different!

  3. Be into it/enthusiasm. Make a lot of eye contact. Be vocal and say how good it feels.

    A big complaint is “starfishing.” Meaning just laying on your back like a starfish with no movement. Instead wrap your legs around him.

    If you’re on top, grind your hips back and forth when fully down on him.

    If you want him to finish don’t say “Are you almost done?” Instead say things like “Cum for me/ I want your cum”

  4. Enthusiasm, be relaxed, be willing to let yourself go/lose control a little (e.g. many women get self-conscious quickly and stop things like him performing oral too quickly), give feedback if you are enjoying something/tell him what you like so he can feel good about doing something for you, should he feel any performance pressure/nervousness make him feel ok (for example if he needs a break).

  5. Anticipation goes a long way with men, sexting him during work, flashing him while walking around the house, teasing him and suddenly suggesting you have sex at unexpected times or places is usually greeted with enthusiasm by guys.

  6. Even something as minor as not wearing a bra while in the house, or panties when wearing a skirt around the house, are significant turn ons for me. It keeps my mind in a good place whenever I see her.

  7. So figure out if the like rough or slower more sensual sex. Then condom type could effect it, there’s tons of types and sizes out there. Also thickness of condoms. So if you use condoms I’d look into that. Then oral also figured out if they like slow or aggressive head. I had a girl deep throating and going hard but I honestly just feel bad for her and there is not much sensation in the tip where a lot of my feeling is, i had to tell her to chill. Another girl a while back just like used her tongue to push my sensitive head bits into the bumpy roof of her mouth and some hand on shaft with a little in and out was amazing. So find out what the like in general and go from there.

  8. Wow, some of the answers on this thread are really sad… Kinda mirrors what I constantly see everywhere, though. Most of it seems to boil down to “nah don’t worry about us we’re just happy we get to have sex” or “try to look at least somewhat alive and appreciative while we’re pleasuring you”… Why is it that society can’t seem to have normal and healthy standards for women? It’s either “women should focus entirely on men’s pleasure with nothing in return and be pressured into doing things they hate just to please men” at one extreme or “sexual pleasure for both parties is entirely men’s responsibility, men should take care of both of their orgasms while women just need to show up, give feedback and not impersonate a dead body” at the other…

    I think you’d get better answers looking at gay men’s subs. No, really. Obviously some of it won’t be applicable, but a lot of it is quite universal. Gay people tend to have much more equal and reciprocal relationships than heteronormative couples on average.

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