Me (m,22) met this Brazilian girl (f,19) on Omegle after a night of final exams. Instantly fell in love but didn’t think things would go very far.

4 months later we are in love and I meet her after a 4 hour plane ride. So nervous, so insecure, meet her and it’s complete bliss. First time I’ve been happy in years.

3 days after she explains how she caught feelings for a guy she met on a cruise. We had an open relationship but I tried not to let casual sex get to me. This was different… she said she loved someone other than me. I was broke. Depressed for 10 days without contact. She calls me crying, professing her love. I feel great but don’t get into things fast.

I keep holding back after a week. So frustrated that I might loose her but also everyone tells me not to get involved with her again. Therapy, booze, boxing matches with drywall. None of hit helps the pain.

I constantly cling onto her memory when we spent the weekend together. Constantly think of how I could have cherished it more. Her skin, her eye, the smell of her hair. I’ll probably never experience it again and it’s going to eat at me forever.

Our whole relationship was done online then I finally meet her for 48 hours then she physically disappears, leaving me only with the occasional “what’s up” and “how are you” texts. We still love eachother but both acknowledge the struggles of long distance. This sucks

Ps: she’s a 10 with great personality and skills. Auto space engineer with promising future. I’m pretty average in every facet of life and don’t think I’ll ever find someone like her. Also did I mention she can really dance like a Brazilian?

  1. The title is bad advice. After your first paragraph, the advice should be don’t think you’re in love with a stranger you never met the first time you speak.

    Then reality kicks in. You finally meet and then learn it’s just not there. You’re focusing on the other guy which makes perfect sense considering it’s what she said, but it wasn’t until after you met that she gave you a reason to end things. That just means the truth is that she thought you weren’t right for each other. That’s the process of dating. It’s not about meeting someone online. It’s about creating a fantasy with someone you don’t fully know.

    Don’t sit here thinking you should have cherished it. There was nothing to cherish. I assure you life will go on; you just need to allow it to happen. Good luck.

  2. Title is wrong. The correct advise would be: Don‘t fall in love with any girl too quickly. They play, manipulate and gaslight. It takes times to build trust and you should be more careful. Good luck my friend!!

  3. I don’t have too much advice here it seems that you are new to dating or potentially very attractive women, fell in LUST, not love, and just because enamored, you got finessed my boy and it happens, but what you should realize that most people are not going to care, and you should jump back on the horse and start dating again. Just don’t jump head first into the kiddy pool.

  4. >Instantly fell in love

    You never met them. You weren’t in a relationship. She didn’t owe you anything. Of course she’s going to sleep with someone else when you aren’t even in the same country(?).

  5. Y’all humbled me real quick. I’m gonna leave this post up even though I feel like a complete r-terd. I don’t think I explained our situation the best but your guys advice gave me a healthy dose of reality. Thank you

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