What’s something people don’t know about you?

  1. I am going abroad to study. I’m happy but really few people know. probably not as scandalous as the other comments

  2. That I’ve been in a swingers club last week with my boyfriend and actually was my idea.
    We didn’t interact with other couples, just watched but I am willing to let him even squeeze other women’s breasts.
    I bet people i know would be horrified if they knew

  3. My fingers got crippled because of an accident. But I hide them well and people usually don’t noticed them.

  4. That I’d go trough fire for friends if they’d let me.

    35 years old and I only have 2 close friends. I’m extremely introverted and have ADHD so making friends is something I find extremely difficult and honestly have given up on.

    I just feel so blessed that I’ve been in a very loving relationship for 14 years now, with someone who accepts me, flaws and all

  5. That I’m currently running against a burn out. But that I’m also on my way to get a new job so I can cut down on my hours working 🙂

  6. TW

    >!I selfharmed when I was 20 (not regularly, but several times). I guess I just followed too many wrong Tumblr blogs.!<

  7. i am a severely demented, lonely & miserable human being and it’s difficult for me to feel connected to others.

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