There this girl called Amy and ever since I’ve been like 5 or 6 we have been best freinds and all through school we hung out together, but as we had to go to secondary school we got separated as we went to different school in my first year of school I was kinda just depressed as I had no friends nobody as I was the only one in my school to go to a different school, so during that year we didn’t talk as much mostly down to me and she always gives out to me for that even to this day in 2nd year she had a massive glow I was still a bit of a weirdo in school but you could say but it was geting better we where taking more and just in general we where better and then we gw each other in the summer of 2nd year (is when two people like French kiss kinda) but after that we kinda separated again coming in to third year and then she got a boyfriend then I had a glow up around start of 3rd year and I became popular in school and introduced her to my friends but we still weren’t as close as we use to be but during the time she was still goijg out with her boyfriend I was in love with her she was all I could think labout, they went out for a good 9 months but now there broken up and where taking alout more now but now that there broken up I don’t find that I have the sam e love for her and that where kinda slowly drifting again and I just now when she gets another boyfriend I’m gonna be jealous again. I just don’t know what to do

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