what’s the coolest part about your dad?

  1. He is an extremely hard-working man that supports his children.

    He is calm, cool, collected, and non-judgemental.

  2. He was always there to ask for advice and provide me with opinions and angles that I maybe hadn’t considered, he was a bastion of non violence, wisdom and open mindedness who always strived to understand and validate opinions that often wern’t even his own. He genuinley thought like nobody else I’ve ever met and I lost him this year in June, my heart is still broken up about it and there are tears in my eyes as I write this, I feel like the world is a much darker place without his perspective in it.

  3. In all the years my brothers and I played football, baseball, basketball etc, he only missed one game.

  4. My father and I have never bonded, as he was always involved in his own interests. We never hung out one on one. We never had a heart to heart talk. Then, as an adult, he did something that really betrayed my trust. I have no respect for him, and neither do my other siblings. This doesn’t seem to bother him. He has never, ever sent me a text asking how I am, how my family is doing. When he dies, I don’t think I will feel any sadness. The sadness will be for my mother, who, for some reason (religion), has stayed with him for decades.

  5. I’ve never been able to bond with him unfortunately but he’s an extremely smart man, by any objective standard.

  6. He’s always there and available to help in time of need, or lend a hand when it comes to manual labor, to which I have little skills of — and he’ll never ask for anything in return, even if you insist.

    His father did the same for him and, should I ever have children, I’ll do the same for them.

  7. Hes a deep thinker. He taught me how to not overreact and think about my actions and how they affect others.

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