Other than the match being the typical douche’ what other reasons do you have for ghosting them?

  1. There are many reasons why someone would ghost a match on dating apps. Some of the most common reasons include: The person is no longer interested in dating or they met someone else and are no longer using the app. The person found the conversation to be boring or they didn’t like the other person’s profile. The person was just looking for a hookup and wasn’t interested in anything more. The person got busy and forgot about the match or they lost interest over time.

  2. I don’t.
    Well, I mean…
    I will tell them outright that I have no interest in further conversation. If they continue to spam me after that, it’s not really “ghosting” as I gave a clear message first.

    Ghosting is one of THE most pathetic and loathesome behaviours I can even think of.

    I wouldn’t be able to respect myself if I did juvenile shit like that. So I don’t.

  3. Our morals don’t align, made apparent by a pronoun joke or shallow preferences or Trump support. Or they’re boring or rude.

  4. Some weeks ago I ghosted a man for being too simple. I realised I’d never get inspired by his life, never want him to be my role model, and therefore I wouldn’t fall in love with him anyway – so why try?

    I just didn’t have the nerves to tell it straight. Didn’t want to look snobbish in his eyes.

  5. When they said that they matched with me because they “like hot girls who fart” because they thinks it’s “fluffy”…

  6. While there’s certainly times where its a case of mismatched ideologies and morals, more often than not it’s that the person on the other end is giving me low effort conversation and is just boring.

    I definitely think that there is something to be said about not giving everything away from the jump so that you have things to talk about IRL, but IMO the talking stage on a dating app is the pre-screen to ensure that I feel comfortable meeting up with you and that its something I actually feel excited about.

  7. Generally this would happen for me if I wasn’t that into him anyway. If I see someone that doesn’t “wow” me give interest but there seems to be some potential I’m wrong, I’ll converse with him. If there really isn’t anything there, I’ll take my leave. This all assumes of course that he’s not a douche. No one likes to be pawed at in messages by a perfect stranger who acts like he hasn’t seen the female body ever.

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