Okay, so i have a codeine addiction. I’m day 3 cold turkey. I’m suffering from some withdrawals, shakes in the morning, cold sweats at night. One side effect i noticed during the height of 300+ mg codeine a day, even if it had been hours since i’d had any, i’d STRUGGLE to orgasm. And i’m a guy who already can go for ages if he wanted. But the codeine made it like getting the last bit of toothpaste out a tube that has been finished for weeks lmao. (No issues getting hard tho, proud of the old boy).

Now my gf was pretty upset about me not being able to reach orgasm the last few times. She’d usually understand my body isn’t a machine, but we’ve had a bad week or so and she needed the win.

I blamed drugs and my work. But i want to see her and give her what she enjoys most, and that is me reaching orgasm. She enjoys sex, oral, anal, BDSM, dirty talk but her all time favourite is making me orgasm.

I’m considering edging before seeing her but am unsure what effects this will have. I just fear i’ll go in unable to reach it again and it’ll be poor for everyone.

  1. Just to confirm what you probably already know: it’s absolutely the codeine. I could go for hours when I was taking narcotic painkillers but to cum took an act of congress.

    3 days is a good start and it absolutely goes back to normal after you’re clean.

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