We are both in our mid 30s. Together almost a year. Everything besides our sex life is good. Almost perfect companionship. Adventures all the time.

Only problem is im such a sexual person and want to have sex more often and he’s a once a week ( if that) or maybe 2-3x a month kinda guy. I’ve tried everything. Road head in traffic, sex toys all kinds of things. Even offered a 3 some with another girl ( I’m bi). I could be laying on top of him naked and we won’t end up having sex. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve stopped initiating it just to see what happens and we didn’t have sex for several weeks. Then I brought it up. He says he wants to have sex everyday but never ever try’s. I watch porn a lot now and use my vibrator. It’s SO frustrating to be honest when all I want to be doing is sex of any kind with my partner.

I’ve also been told from mutual friends who know his x’s that his x gfs had the same issue of always having to initiate sex leaving them feeling un wanted and bad about themselves. The poor guy, last two long term gfs cheated on him.

I’m not sure what to do because I know it’s not me, I’m confident and have never ever had this issue in other relationships with men or women. Sex is always tiddy top, super hot, wild and fun. Anyone I’ve ever been with can’t keep hands off me. I’d get woken up by previous partners going down on me. Never ever has this been an issue in any other relation.

We’ve talked about it many times now but nothing changes. I’ve mentioned I’d literally do ANYTHING he wants sexually, and no requests. Idk what to do. He constantly tells me how In love with me he is. I’m starting to wonder if he might be into men? That would be fine too, I just don’t know how to talk to him about it any further or what to do. Please help, any advice is welcome.

  1. I’d say to get his levels checked, could be a chemical imbalance or very low testosterone. You could see if he wants to try test boosters first or injections.

  2. I am currently having the same issue with my BF. His problem comes from a religious upbringing that told him sex outside of marriage is wrong. Marriage is at least a year away. I am seriously contemplating seeing if he is open to watching me with someone else. Or at least consent to it.

    Following to see if someone suggests something that would work

  3. Sounds like you two aren’t sexually compatible. Regardless of the reason, this usually doesn’t end well.

    I want to point out that “everything besides our sex life” is not good. Sex is pretty much the one thing that you can ONLY get from him (if you are monogamous) so it’s a huge thing.

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