I’ve been feeling a bit of a mental decline, and I don’t want others to think people don’t care. So, how are you, brothers?

  1. ive said “living the dream” and “fuck it we ball” atleast 10x times a day for the last month so i guess im livin the dream

  2. I’m alright, I just don’t like Christmas very much due to all the expenses. Then I’ll move to a new place so next month’s will be a little tight on money. Past that I’m doing good yep!

  3. I’m 1800 miles from home. Halfway through a 2 week work trip. Today wasn’t a great day. Can’t wait to be back home.

  4. I’m okay.

    I feel like I’m being taken advantage of in my Corporate job, but otherwise, I’m fine. Thanks for asking!

  5. Not great. My mother has been going through kindney failure, viruses have been jumping back and forth through the family, and I’m suffering with feelings of loneliness and self-loathing. Plus we took in my grandmother who is very critical and rude.

    I do have days I can enjoy myself, but things can really wear a guy down.

    Reddit really helps though. Thank you for caring.

  6. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Honestly, if I can get off my lazy butt I should probably really be calling to find out if I can get into a therapy office to be seen. I’ve been very skeptical that it’d help me in the past and not just a waste of money, but I should probably really give it a try.

  7. Life has been really tough recently, but it hasn’t effected me mentally. I’m doing what I can to fix a couple of dumpster fires is the best way to put it.

  8. I’m incredible! This year has been a damn good one! For the first time in a long time I’m spiritually, mentally and emotionally well.

  9. Sleep last night was fantastic – ten clean, uninterrupted hours that I needed badly. I got the Christmas shopping done today. Some work on my Pokemon Crystal ROM hack was done to [this wonderful recording](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41S2gVwO-rL._SY580_.jpg), and I just ate dinner – a dry and flavorless wrap from Trader Joe’s.

    Tomorrow morning, I plunge into my last work week of 2022. After that is Christmas with my sister and her kids – my brother in law has to work over the holiday. It’s the week of the year when I’m reminded how normal people live.

  10. I’m feeling worn out. Everything about my world changed once the pandemic hit. I feel like I’ve been in survival mode for nearly 3 years now and I’m exhausted. I’m doing my best to slowly change what I can but it’s tough. I feel just burnt out with no way to escape that.

  11. I’m pretty frustrated. From when I first beat my depression that comes from being in your teens and lasts till your early twenties I have been having a harder and frustrating time finding my place in fandoms for nerdy stuff at least. Like I recently finished Bojack Horseman, and like with how well making a post about finishing a series seems to go well in the respective subs for the series I thought it would go well for me. I discovered how that fandom was pretty fast after being on the sub for it. It just seems to be full of people who love patting themselves on the back for talking about how bad/toxic Bojack is and the traumatic aspects of the show. Along with just lots of people who got depression or similar issues and relate to a lot of the characters and use the show as a comfort show or whatever. So I shouldn’t be surprised the fan community for it is like it is, especially being on reddit.

    I’m just so sick of feeling like the bad guy and an outsider in fan communities for the stuff I’m into. Even ones for non-nerdy stuff, to keep it short a lot of people in those communities seem to be even more standoffish and 2d. Like so many people have said that I’m easy to talk to and to be around, and other people seem to be doing fine having traits that I thought would be detrimental to a healthy social life. I really don’t get it, I’m so disillusioned to so much at this point. It seems like I have to fit into a stereotype to really do well and not have any interests outside of ones related to that stereotype.

    Like I have met people who are not like the toxic parts of the communities I have been apart of. But they are pretty much comfortable with their current circle of friends. At this point a lot of the basic bread and butter of being a fan of a lot of media I’m into seems so annoying. It’s like things stagnate between the immature bs common with younger fans, and the elitist/cold bs of older/more experienced fans. Things just seem so unreal with how the people in the rewatch podcasts I listen to interact.

  12. Just got married, chuffed with that. Expecting a child shortly chuffed with that.
    Business and work doesn’t seem to be going anywhere that’s depressing and as it’s a family business and all I’ve known I don’t know what I’ll do after. Have family member seriously ill too.
    I feel like I’m not good enough and not up to the task and the mountains ahead.

  13. I’ve been busting my ass on several endeavors and they’re all turning out lukewarm at best. Feels like everything turns out barely acceptable or just barely above total failure, with few real successes/wins.

  14. Im okay. Physically and mentally healtihier than I have been in years. But still deal with depression and anxiety. What has been troubling you OP?

  15. Things are much better than they were a year ago for me and my extended family. Learning to worry less and enjoying things more, being more decisive and taking life as it comes. I have a good life. The only issue is that I can’t seem to find a partner to share it with so I’m starved for intimacy. Might be something I need to seriously work on next year instead of just ignoring/ putting it on hold as I’ve done for the past two.

  16. Just grinding through life. Still feeling lonely and wondering how to make friends, but at least I started going to the gym more so I can improve myself.

  17. Idk man, I’m forgetting things a lot lately, even forgetting names of my family members. Not sure whether it’s early signs of dementia & I’m just 23. fml

  18. Struggling, but since nobody in my life really cares, I just internalize it and try to plow through, one day at a time.

  19. It’s been a productive year. I think a matured a lot in 2022.

    My last job let me go, which is nice since i was miserable there, and i just started a new one that pays better, gives me freedom and responsibility, and lets me focus on other aspects of my life.

    Bought a motorcycle, which is nice, but it started having eletrical problems.

    Started going to college, made new friends, had a crush that i didn’t act on because i suck at dating, and now she’s dating someone else, and that’s okay, my bad.

    My mom died of cancer, which is bittersweet because she was suffering too much from the disease.

    I think i spent too much of my 18-23 focused on my career, and disregarded my personal life. I feel free now, my shoulders are lighter.

    I think i’ll put my self more out there, have fun, have more sex, make new friends. Go back to the gym, get back into fighting. I realized that life is too hard to deal with it alone, but i’m not about to choose anyone, i think i’ll focus on myself first and get on with my life, and if someone cool comes by, she’s free to join me.

  20. I’m ok. Just finished my last semester of college. Have two finals to do and i’m done. Honestly scared to enter the real world. Other than that, everything is ok.

  21. Not great, not terrible. I’ve both gained and lost much this year, so I feel like it’s yet another one where I’m just watching the clock tick away each second of my life. Even with all the medications and nice things people choose to say, I feel like everything disappears into the vast void in my soul. I’m struggling again with needing to rein in the worst thoughts to avoid letting them turn back to… ceasing.

    I’m so bad at being happy. I spent some time outdoors amongst people and found that fun was something that required me to have downed several shots of liquor before I could finally feel the fun start to seep in. What really has been weighing on me is how everyone else seemed to truly exist as complete human beings, and I found myself grasping at fragmented memories trying to put together a story of who I am… and being reminded of just how strange that person really is to others.

    It seemed like everyone was able to open themselves up, to unfold like a beautiful bloom and reveal their inner beauty and give off the briefest glimmer of their secret selves. And everyone seemed so relieved that they could let down their guard and open up to each other, sharing these stories about the events that shaped them and the people they are outside of the public eye…

    And I was again alone sharing a drink with my inner critic. The one that asked me what I was doing there with all those people to whom I couldn’t connect. It reminded me of how they are the ones meant to be experiencing life, and how I’m supposed to step back into the shadows so as to not block their light.

    What makes a man happy? I don’t know. But for something like me, I can say that being useful is a blessing. I should strive to take more satisfaction in saying my lines and acting out my part. I shouldn’t be attempting to go off script and do improv, saying and doing things for myself. That right is something reserved for the people that are real, not a mere robot or robotnik.

  22. Im sad and alone tbh, i dont have anyone to talk to anymore and idk if im mentally ok but i cant tell anyone

  23. Fucking stoked, last week my director green lit plans for me to move into my dream career! I’ve been trying to get into cybersec for years and they gave me a fucking 40% raise 🥂

  24. I’m doing ok. Life’s been hell at times for the past couple of years since my divorce but I’m desperately trying to fix all my problems. It seems to be a “two steps forward one step back” kind of thing. I feel like I’m so close to the proverbial “living the dream” I can taste it. I just need disasters in my personal life to stop happening *for a minute* so I can catch up.

    I finally had time to clean my house and vehicle this week and it’s made a massive difference to my state of mind. 10/10 would recommend.

    How are you, /u/Mobslaya_45? Mental decline happens to all of us at some point, but having friends, even Reddit friends, helps. Thanks for making this post.

  25. I’m living the dream but I’m not sure who’s dream it is.

    This is fine. Everything’s fine.

  26. The loathing of men in our culture is hitting me really hard the last few months for some reason. I’m no manosphere guy but it hurts a lot.

  27. I was unemployed for the last 3 months, but got a job a few weeks ago. I like it a lot, so that’s good.

    But I’ve realized a don’t do very much outside of obsess about my career. I need to start having more fun.

    Also, I need to start working out. I tried to jump back into the dating apps and I just don’t have it in me. I think getting in shape will help me feel like myself again.

  28. I’m pissed at my exwife for good reason. But I can’t put together an argument to convince her that I’m not in one of my “moods”, so I nuked my friends list on Facebook deleting her and her family and any friends I made when we were together. I also deleted Instagram.

    I’m fucking spiraling.

  29. Not good. I’ve somehow maneuvered myself into a life that I absolutely hate and I do not see it getting better in the future. I want a re-do.

  30. Calm and indifferent on the outside but frustrated and angry on the inside. Mostly at myself.

  31. Could be better. Just going through an episode where I’m harshly critiquing myself for past mistakes and having seemingly done nothing of note at 24.

    It’ll pass in time but when I go through it my mind and vibe are in the dumps

  32. Last time I answered I got downvoted, so here’s my official answer:

    “I’m doing great! It’s another day, so I’m ready to see what awaits with curiosity, wonder and glee!”

  33. Well after the breakup feels like the weight is off my shoulders, but getting weird anxiety sometimes. I’m in this weird spot where this girl and I like each other she’s in a relationship with this dude that kinda used her as a booty call but his mom got her a job and she doesn’t want to break up with him because it may hurt her prospects, and we made boundaries like, we aren’t gonna be cheaters, we’re gonna do this right but it always feels weird making boundary rules anyway, and then she just ignores any texts for days at a time. Its just getting complicated but I don’t wanna miss out on what I think is a pretty smart woman who works hard, never asks for anything, wants to be independent but wants a partner in crime. So that’s causing a lot of worry on my mind how this is gonna turn out, and I made an appointment for my first therapy session so. I got that going for me

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