Me and my friends have been friends since 1st grade, but 2 were my best friends for like 8 years , they both got involved in illegal things and I decided to opt out of that , it ruined the friendship and I’m no longer there friends because I don’t want to help them do illegal activities ( break into cars and sell drugs type of activating) so I’m just kinda along recently ( it’s been around 2 months ) , obviously I have other friends I’ve connected with more recently becouse of this but I miss that vibe we’re I could call one up and I know they want to do something or be around . What do I do now? I just feel like I won’t find any other people to do that with . Our friendship went way back. It just seems impossible to try to restart that process with another friend.

Maybe I’m just being a teenager and being worried about stupid stuff, but I don’t usually worry about things like this, but at the same time. I never really lose close friends.

Tldr : friends did illegal things , I decided to opt out because there were doing illegal things and taking advantage of my money from my job , but I miss the vibe of having those friends , scary to try to start again with other friends.

  1. I know it’s easier said then done but you need new friends . Those kinds will never change until something bad happens

  2. I have friends like this and we had a BAD falling out right after high-school. I felt like my world imploded because they had each other and I had no one. Well some years later we reconnected and it’s like no time has gone by. Sometimes we have to give people the space they need to make their own mistakes and go through life in the ways they want to. Trust, once they mature a bit you guys will reconnect. Use this time to learn more about who you are by your self and meet other people.

  3. I used to have a friend that was practically a sister. I’ve known her since kindergarten and I love her to the moon and back. We had a harsh falling out, about 5 years ago, but I know once we’re done with finding our footing in life one of us is going to reach out again. You have to let things play out. You’re going to find new friends, but you need to acknowledge that your bond isn’t going to be as strong as it was with them. You’ve had years to build up your friendship, but you’re going to have to do it again with someone else. I don’t say that to discourage you from making new friends. I say that for you to realize it’ll be hard to replicate it, but it’s okay. You’ll make new friends and it’ll be different, but it’ll be a good different I can assure you that. I’m glad you realized your friends were going down the wrong path and choose to not do the same.

  4. That’s called growing up rockett. You’ll find real friends that stick but those kind of people are best left in the past.

  5. For starters, you are making the right choice bro. Never lose yourself for the sake of someone else.

    Losing long time friends is also really hard, but hopefully they’ll realize how stupid what they’re doing is before they get their brains spilled onto the tarmac. Seriously, some Californian dude caught a guy stealing his catalytic converter and he kicked the jack that was holding his car up, instantly crushing the thief.

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