I have friends but we never hangout. There always busy always at work. Everytime I ask. They want to be my friend we used to play video games. I’m not as intrigued anymore. I prefer story and one player games. I usually only play for an hour or less. I feel so lonely. I had a lot of friends I decided to push most away sense. I’m a bit of a downer and its obvious they’re very busy and focusing on other things. People make time for what they care about. Now I’m left with 3 friends who are always busy and introverted(like me). I feel I was very open and good at talking to people in high school. Recently I had some bad experiences with people. I’m way to comfortable alone in social settings. I go out I just don’t talk to anyone I also go to these social events alone. My friends either don’t want to come or they’re busy. Rather with someone or by myself I don’t talk to anyone I don’t know. I’m tired of texting people shit. I don’t talk to anyone. There aren’t any openings. I don’t know any good conversation starters. Reddit can’t help I don’t know why I’m posting this. I probably will dismiss any advice and be very blunt.

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