I think that’s a big part of growing as a person, realising what people value you and what people do not. You might get overly attached to someone to whom you’re not but a small part of their life. It might suck to think of things that way but it’s still important, that way you can have more realistic expectations out of em and you can focus on the right people too.

  1. God I had to learn this the hard way. Took a few too many times to finally get the god damn point.

    I had one girl who knew she was pretty much my world. Then I finally realized she isn’t worth my time. She literally started to resent me as soon as she realized that she wasn’t all that important to me anymore. She then decided being friends wasn’t worth her time! 😂😂

  2. You should be comfortable with how you treat other people without the expectation of how they’re going to treat you back. You’re ever very unlikely to get the same exact treatment because it’s subjective. You’ll start to notice that you’re doing things for people simply because you want to and the more you do that, some people will appreciate and reciprocate or some people will just continue taking your energy, but at the end of the day, it’s still your choice to make.

  3. I’m an ambivert, I have my extroverted moments but I tend to fair more towards the introverted side. This semester I was more outgoing than usual and started introducing myself to some classmates in class. In particular there was this one classmate of mine who I kind of grew a little crush on after seeing her and talking to her in class.

    Since I don’t have that many close friends, I kind of got really attached to her. However, I know she is an extrovert (she is very outgoing, and has been that way for a long time). It’s already senior year in university so I know it’s a bit late, but on our last day of finals, I asked her out but said she was going back home the next day. I guess I asked her too late.

    I know that to her, I’m just another classmate, an acquaintance, not a close friend. But for me, although we haven’t hung out outside of class, she made me feel happy whenever I saw her. Just a little rant, I’m already kind of making my peace with it but I do relate.

  4. Yes! But I think that’s okay sometimes too- for example If you can appreciate someone and they have meant more than they might realize. Not every interaction will be balanced, so if you can find comfort in someone else that’s only a plus for you- if it’s done with awareness and a healthy way

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