I(m) will be sleeping with my girlfriend for the first time soon. We are both virgins. What is something that was surprising? I’ve heard that the first time is rarely super amazing.

  1. Weird noises and positions. Being on top is really difficult if you have no practice.

    You must laugh at the awkwardness.

  2. It surprised me how bad men’s ejaculate can taste lol (please eat well and drink your water). I was also surprised to find that cowgirl felt a lot better than any other position starting out. Nerves got in the way and I wasn’t wet enough/mouth was dry, so lube is necessary and it took a couple tries before ‘sex’ became actual sex and felt good.

  3. I was surprised how uncomfortable it was. It got better after that first time– not sure if it was nerves or the fact that we were in a pickup truck, or if there just wasn’t enough foreplay… I was expecting fireworks and it was more like a pap smear.

    I guess my advice would be to make her cum before you actually do penis in vagina. It’ll be much more comfortable ❤️

  4. I was fortunate that my first time was with a girl who had many notches in her bedpost. She basically took control and made me feel comfortable, along with how good a vagina felt. I guess I’m one of the few that says it was “super amazing”. Very memorable experience.

  5. It can catch you off guard

    You can be nervous

    Remember that she is too

    The first time i was about to have sex, i was so goddman nervous i couldnt keep an erection, my girlfriend and i still laugh at it.

    But at the same time it can be the most beautiful thing that ever happens to you

    I still sometimes lose my breath when i have sex with my girlfriend

    Its like all your senses become heightened, seeing her, touching her, kissing her, smelling her it all feels out of this world and it is amazing

    You may cum in a second (i once came before my girlfriend took my shorts off, prolly the most embarrassing moment of my life then, but she said, im so glad i could make you cum so easily for me)

    You may last an hour

    Just remember to listen to each other at all cost

    She may feel discomfort , pain, and she may be to occupied to tell you. Pay ATTENTION

    Its gonna be amazing
    Happy for you

  6. The one thing I was not expecting was the smell of it. In retrospect, it’s not exactly surprising. There’s physical exertion, lube, sweat and bodily fluids and everything. It just makes sense. Still, the pure musk of the smell of sex definitely took me by surprise the first time.

  7. After a giant lead up and it being SO important, losing my virginity was the most underwhelming thing ever.

    As a young lad, all we did was talk about getting laid and trying to get girls.

    Then you do it, and it’s like – oh? that’s what all the build up was about?

  8. Well, I am surprised that people seem to think you have to go all the way on the first time. You don’t go into rush traffic during your first driving lesson either. Communicate. What do you want, what do you expect, what are you afraid of? What feels good? What doesn’t? If you are comfortable being naked with each other and know how to get each other off, maybe then consider PIV.

  9. It’s messy, noisy, it definitely doesn’t look like a romantic comedy sex scene (Lol), and you should both pee after good hygiene.

  10. I was surprised how tight she was and how long it took me to find how to penetrate her 🤦‍♂️ I was trying to dock for what seemed like a fucking year lol. After I missed twice she guided me in… that first slide in… def breathe lol you may cum son after

  11. My first time, I was taken back by how uncomfortable it was to have something inside of me. It wasn’t this stellar experience that I thought it would be. Of course, it got better after some time, but that was once I had a partner who was good with communication and asking what felt good and what didn’t. Communication from both parties is absolutely key to a great experience. It’ll probably be awkward the first time, but that is completely normal and okay since you’ll both be feeling it out.

  12. The disappointment. And after that I ate a Crêpes with Nutella and swore my undying love and faithfulness to both.
    That guy sucked, it was horrible, but thankfully short and I soaked his carpet with blood, that was unexpected- but somehow satisfying cause he had to remove the carpet 😅

  13. After my first time, I was sore for a few days after. My SO was really excited that we had started to have sex, but I needed more time than he did for my body to adjust to it. Be aware that it might not be painful for you, but your SO might need time at first.

    Just because there was pain didn’t mean it wasn’t pleasurable. I still liked it, but I definitely needed to take it slow at first before it became a regular thing.

  14. First time was with a guy (I’m female) and it surprised me that the penis is so big 😳 it was terrifying

  15. Surprising? Probly going to nut in like 30 seconds I was a 10 pump chump like the first 5 times I ever had sex. After a while I would last 5 mins 10 mine 15 mins now I cum when I wanna cum lol 40 mins is what my lady and I prefer but everyone is different. The first time is amazing and should be for everyone the sex isn’t going to be amazing but that first experience should be. You slip into that hot slippery pussy and a wave of pleasure washes over you. It feels welcoming. Also don’t get hung up on not lasting long. Eat her out and make her cum after you’ll
    Get there eventually the experience will still be great for both of you just take your time.

  16. That it didn’t really work at first, but once it did, how unpleasant it felt to have a penis in my vagina. It took a little while for me to actually adjust to the feeling and fully enjoy PIV sex without any discomfort.

  17. The lack of emotional impact. It might be because I lost mine to a friend and not a romantic partner, but I felt literally no different after. Nothing had changed, there was no big defining moment. It wad kind of just a thing that happened.

  18. How long my bf lasted.

    I was a virgin, he wasn’t.

    He lasted a little over an hour.

    Afterwards I actually said ” Good job, I can’t believe you lasted that long”

    In my defense it was the only thing that books didn’t prepare me for.

  19. The amount of effort required for sex. It seems easy looking in, but good sex requires a lot of effort. Also, how good it actually feels when it IS good.

    Being someone born with a vulva, I was surprised it didn’t hurt. We had done a lot of oral sex, including using fingers, many times before actually proceeding to PiV. When we did finally cross that threshold into vaginal sex, he had already given me oral sex, used fingers on me, I was on top, and was aroused and ready. I controlled the penetration. Since I was prepared physically and mentally and wasn’t tense, there was literally no pain. Preparation is key.

  20. USE LUBE. Seriously. Even if your condoms come pre lubed, USE MORE. If the guy I lost my virginity to hadn’t used lube I would’ve been hurting for days. It’s hard to really relax for that first time and lube help keep things more comfortable, less painful

  21. Not what you asked for but please go over boundaries and make sure the other knows you can stop at any point if you’re not comfortable.

    My first time with sex was with another virgin and we tried 3 separate days before she finally let me penetrate. She asked me to stop because it kinda hurt and so I did. Respect them and they’ll respect you. It’ll be frustrating if it happens to you because our primal instinct is to DO IT! But move past that feeling and be supportive for each other

  22. The thing that surprised me most (as a female) is that I came within like 30 seconds, when I heard that women “never” cum the first time. Also, I was surprised by the noises coming out of the mouth and thought I sounded kind of like a porn star. I wasn’t expecting any of that.

    From what I hear, people’s first times vary a lot, so you just have to go into it with an open mind and a willingness to expect the unexpected. It could be great, it could be horrible, or it could be anything in between. The one certainty is that you’ll both get better with practice.

  23. I was surprised by the feeling of wholeness. It feels so cheesy but it’s like that’s where he was meant to be. I’d always want him to stay inside me for as long as possible after 😂

    But also how difficult reverse cowgirl is. There’s something about the balance/angle that’s roughhh on the knees, but regular cowgirl is amazing.

  24. The pain. I had no idea it can take several penetrations before your hymen tears. That was rough.

    The great part? How quickly comfortable I was with being an adult, doing adult things, not feeling humiliated, and how odd it can be to have pancakes and coffee across from the person you were just slapping genitals with…. but you do, and it’s what everyone does…. humans are crazy.

  25. How cruel and selfish someone can be to you during and after such an vulnerable moment. I always thought my first time was going to be special and with someone who actually liked me. Movies and books about this filled my head with unrealistic expectations. I never imagined someone wouldn’t care about my sexual pleasure and well-being.

    My first time was horrible and even though he knew it was my first time, he kept on telling me to push through the pain when I told him that it hurt and didn’t care that I wasn’t enjoying it. So I just pushed through the pain and prayed for it to end. There was literally only a few seconds of foreplay and no aftercare at all.

    Afterwards, he made fun of how I cried out during sex and insulted how my body looked. After I left him that night, I was a sobbing mess. If he didn’t like me at all, why did he go above and beyond to get into my pants? I now know the reasons, but it took me a bit to come face to face with the harsh truths.

  26. The sensation of a vagina gripping and massaging my penis. I didn’t cum the first time, but I cried afterwards. It was an emotional experience for me as a man.

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