For the next 4 days there are wedding activities at my house. The house is filled with relatives and siblings who I have nothing in common, they are completely the different age group and I rarely talk with them. I can’t even sleep properly since they start play loud music since morning and some dumbfuck opens my bedroom’s door and doesn’t close it. I don’t even have friends in general that I could go out with or call to my house for the wedding.

I am complete wreck right now and I can’t handle this anymore. Please knock some advice down my head to survive this. Ask any questions if you misunderstood

1 comment
  1. I’ve been feeling similarly to you for quite some time. I wish I had any answer on how to deal with it. It feels terrible. I guess the only thing that really helps me is to play my videogames and chill with my online friends. As sad as it is, I have far more in common with them out of anybody else I know in real life. They are my refuge on days like this. Hang in there. I see you and you’re not invisible.

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