Here’s the situation: I’m 27M, and signed up for a dating app recently because I’d finally been feeling more confident after my 8.5 year LTR ended in 2021. Ended up talking to someone on there and unexpectedly kinda hit it off. She ended up asking me out.

Here’s the thing – I have basically no social life. I kinda let my social anxiety put me in the hole years ago and while I’m much more capable socially these days – it’s left me in this situation. Plus in 2014 I moved for college, then back to my hometown after grad, then back to my college city – where I got a full time job and have been mostly working ever since. I have some hobbies that we’ve talked about, I work out, etc…but yeah

I have my childhood friend that I still talk to regularly but he doesn’t live in town, my ex (lol – yes, we’re friends but I feel like I shouldn’t count her), and my parents/sister. All of this kind of set in when this woman asked me out and I felt like maybe I shouldn’t bother, but after asking those few people in my life (and some people on the internet) I was encouraged to say yes, and I did.

The date went well, and she’s said she’d love to do it again. But now all of a sudden those fears of not being good enough because of my situation are rising again, and I’m scared I’m just going to waste her time until it inevitably becomes clear to her. Maybe she’d be cool with it, but maybe not.

Am I crazy for trying to be dating right now? I really do like this woman and I think she likes me too. It’s been wrecking me all day that maybe I shouldn’t have even tried this and now I’m in this tough situation.


  1. You should absolutely date. Go out, have fun. Dating is one way to be social. All of your reasons for not having much of a social life are valid. You should think about things you might enjoy doing and go do them. You will probably meet people.

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