Lately, I have not been feeling excited at all about meeting someone on a first online date. But I DO want to meet someone, that’s the thing! I’m pretty confident and extroverted, and I’m usually up for meeting in a low-stakes situation where we can chat and get to know each other, and not feel locked in. It’s pretty easy for me to chat with anyone and make them laugh (usually), and i love meeting newpeople, sol usually approach it with that mindset.

Maybe it’s winter and the cold weather, or the fact that I’m grieving a death of someone close to me from 5 months ago (which also coincided with a breakup, which I am totally over), but after chatting a bit with a guy and setting a date… have absolutelv ZERO excitement or desire to meet them. I’ll look at their pics again and the chat and I’ll realize that we prob won’t be a good match. I like banter, similar sense of humor, etc… I have had successful matches not too long ago that have turned into something. And while I’m yearning for a long-term partner, really wishing and hoping I meet someone compatible soon, I just cannot even bring myself to go on another date anytime soon. I did this past friday, and I was bored. I was not into him at all, no
chemistry, nothing. We made some conversation, and he tried to kiss me at the end and has been messaging me (i will let him know I am not feeling it)….. I have no desire to do this again anytime soon. But I would like to meet someone. I feel like the dating pool in my city is awful.

I just started a new f/t job which i like which takes up quite a bit of my time, and is quite social. I also have a side hustle, so I am kept busy with that, and with my friends. I do want to meet someone but I don’t know how long I should take this break for. Just sifting through profiles and telling guys over and over what i do is annoying and tedious.
Anvone else experience this?

1 comment
  1. Currently experiencing this. I went through a breakup two months ago and tried these apps one month later. I’m very much ready to date but after being off the apps for so long, it’s absolutely tiring. It’s a plethora of things that could be the reason but I’ll list what makes me feel this way.

    For me, it’s mostly disappointment. From dead-end chats to ghosting, I don’t have the energy to even be excited anymore. So when I finally meet someone, I don’t get excited because of the repetitiveness of it all. We chat, we meet, we stop talking. We chat, chat ends. We chat, we meet, seems like there is potential, and then effort dies.

    So I’ll be taking a break until January for my own sanity.

    Edit: one of the paragraphs duplicated. I deleted it.

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